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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    FSX specular and bump textures


    First post here so please go easy on me. I've done a fair number of repaints for the default DC3 in FS9 and am now looking at converting them for FSX. I've just about sussed the specular side of things, although I've left the alpha channel off as it seems to give better results. The problem i have is with the _bump texture. As far as I can see, ordinarily the bump texture is used that resides in 'texture' i.e repaint 1. Now, what I want to do is make my own _bump texture which is dependant on the version of the DC3 that I'm painting and put it in the individual texture folder so it doesn't call the file from repaint 1. I've got several different base textures with different door configurations but with the bump mapping of the default DC3 there are rivet lines and panel lines on my repaints where there shouldn't be and no rivets/panel lines where I'd like them to be. I am trying to convert my base (bare metal)textures files into the bump texture files that I can drop into each of my texture folders depending which door config I'm repainting. I got a _bump texture to work of sorts but it was corrupted and was showing areas of black and some other odd artifacts so I'm obviously doing something wrong.

    I'm using PaintShopPro8 and I have plugins 'dds.8bi' and 'NormalMapFilter.8bf'. If anyone can help with the basics I'd appreciate it.


  2. #2

    Re: FSX specular and bump textures

    please post an image of your bump map and additional a (random) bump texture out of the game. For me it looks pretty much that you're using the wrong filter settings to create them, but it's helpful seeing the textures itself for any further tips.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: FSX specular and bump textures


    Sorry for delay. I managed to do it in the end but with PSD not PSP. I also used Imagetool to save the final image for FSX.



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