and here comes the fourth me 210...
enjoy (hopefully)
It is from IL-2 Sturmovik 1946.
and here comes the fourth me 210...
enjoy (hopefully)
I like this one - a little extra touch of colour is welcome.
Keep the Me 210/410 production line flowing, Peter!I like the shape definition of the engine nacelle (might have said that already, I forget).
Which air force is that one, Pete?
There is always something curious about WW2 German planes in markings other than the Luftwaffe. Think it is all those plastic models I built. German planes were always in German markings.
thanks gammary..i will try one more me 210 and then 10 me 410s are on the plan...
anadc4: It is Hungarian air force, and Hungarian build me 210...
but they used almost the same marking and camo colors as Luftwaffe...RLM standards
Nice profile.
Hungarian Me210 colors: RLM76/75/74
In the WW2 3 squadron were flying Me210 Ca1.
The 102/1 "Eagle"
102/2 "Tiger"
102/3 "Thunder"
Did any air arm try to operate these or Me410s after WW2. There was some limited post-war use of Nazi-era combat planes, notably in Spain. France too continued on with ex-Luftwaffe aircraft that were sitting in French factories when the war ended. And I think the Czechs also made use of planes in its factories.
I do not know about any...Jpana had some effort to build or use Me 210s...but during WWII of course. Some captured Me 410s are know in British and Russian marking...But I believe these were single planes for testing purpouses only...
Chzechs used Me 262 and Me 109 parts to build new planes on the same basis...In case of Me 109s it was first using original planes, then hybrids...
210/410 were not used after the war anywhere. Czechoslovakia (not Czechs) used Me 262s, 109s, He 219s, and some arados for training purposes.
A bit of correction hereMe 109s of original production were used not only for training in Czechoslovakia,l but also in special marking also in National Security unit...those were G-10 and K-4s I think...