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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    After receiving such an encouraging welcome here I though I would post a WIP of my current project, Again its an Aircraft (RM797) that is currently being restored to airworthy condition here in Oz.

    I have only done to basics thus far on both the front and rear, mostly concentrated on the mid section at this stage. Its all a little clean at the moment, wont remain that way for long tho.

    I have just read the stencil thread below, and have been looking for a way to add stencils to this profile, does anybody have an appropriate resource they could point me to? I have one for a Vc but I am unsure if this would work her on the later model.

    Much work still to be done.

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    Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 23rd November 2007 at 13:14.
  2. #2

    Re: Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    This has a really nice feel about it, crisp and solid, but for me, the rivets and screws and even some panel line edges look way over stated.
    This is just my personal views and can be taken with a pinch of salt.
    Other than that the detail looks phenomenal, my kinda drawing, keep at it.
    BTW I’d be very interested in the reference material for this AC as I need to do a few more Spits for Phoenix.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    I agree about the panel lines and rivets: you might want to make them more discreet. They are not particularly visible on an aircraft usually, and are mostly "guessed" by the eye because of light reflections/dirt/paint chipping. A combinaison of these things should make them obvious enough but not overpowering.

    I'd also suggest reinforcing the definition of shapes (Blowhard might go for you if you don't, lol).

    Aside from that, it's very nice. Keep us posted on your progress if you will.

    As for stencils, have you tried the AJ-Press monography n?5 (Mk IX-XVI) or the Aero Detail n?27 (Mk VI-XVI). Also Pod Lupa n?3 (VII, IX, XVI) has some detailled pics. PM me if you need help.
    Last edited by gamary; 23rd November 2007 at 21:00. Reason: Forgot about stencils
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate constructive criticism.

    The gaps in the panels in a consequence of how I draw these profiles, I always draw the individual panels and I suspected from the beginning that they they may be a little large, I have begun to adjust them to overlap more closely to how they appear in reality. (see image below)

    Re the rivets and panel fasteners, the way they appear in the initial image is more overstated then I intended for the final image, I prefer to keep them a little overstated as I work. and then drop them back toward completion.

    Some of the image that I have used thus far, will post more later currently on peddle power as my Broadband is down.

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  5. #5

    Re: Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    That is very interesting. I have under construction a P-51D metal using exactly the same method. ( ) It kinda got out of hand with the metal and became hard to control all of the areas of construction. Takes up far too much time for me too, but it looks like you are making it work. I now use the "oils on canvas” technique which is layers and layers of colour and tone one on top of the other. This method can be just as troublesome to keep tidy, but it is one I am more used to handling.

    Like I said before, your XIV is looking great and I am looking forward to seeing the finished profile.

    Good luck.
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    It's fascinating to see how everyone works on this forum. I'd never thought of breaking down the aircraft in different panels. I'd thought of smaller sections (wings, engines, etc...) but even that seemed too complicated to me.

    Looking forward to more: keep us posted!
  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    I prefer to work in a more painterly manner when doing these profiles. Working this way can tend to get out of hand a little, but I prefer to put anything new on a separate layer no matter its size as it makes it easier to manipulate later, this can as was the case of the Thunderbolt that I posted earlier lead to having 400+ layers, but with a good work flow it becomes easier, I use a layer mask on each layer and organise layers into different folders for each part of the profile eg wing, fuse etc.

    Im not sure how you guys do it, but it seems to work ok for me.

    Getting bare metal to look right is the ultimate challenge for me, you seem to have a good understanding Jester, but I do enjoy a challenge, maybe if I ever finish the spitfire.

    I have tightened up the panel lines as suggested and it does work a lot better.
    will post a update when I get my Broadband back on-line.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    400 plus layers .... I remember those days .... nowadays I average up to 1000 layers Then again modern jets have more fiddly bits.

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    Working this way just makes life easier if, as I do, prefer to have the option of having the canopy open or closed or the landing gear open or retracted, I can even adjust the angle of the flaps if I choose, its a lot of extra work, but I reckon its worth it.
  10. #10

    Re: Spitfire MK XIV e WIP

    Funny you should mention jets at 1000+ layers Supah. My latest project is still under the 100 layers mark and is quite close to being finished. Another week and I hope to stick a fork in it. Where as my 109G’s are all well over the 500 layers +.

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