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  1. #1

    Glossing /dulling paint surfarce

    Right now I use the "highlight" option in a layer with the "Blend Mode" slider to show a gloss/flat quality to a paint surface. 1) I wondering if there is a way when choosing a color to paint, if I could change the gloss/flat quality of the paint and then paint the surface which would change the whole surface quality (instead of the leading edges of the wings and rudder for instance)? 2) Or duplicating a paint layer with the option of a gloss or flat quality to the paint? Although I'm sure that this would be non-historical, my aim is to have a slightly different gloss/flat quality to adjoining colors of a cammo pattern on the wings as apposed to the fuselage. Also, I could contrast the exhaust soot deposites (absolute flat) to the paint surface (slight gloss) on the fuselage.This then could be seen at different angles with the sun.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Glossing /dulling paint surfarce

    I assume you mean for the IL-2 series?
    IL-2 has no reflectionmaps like this:

    So, you have to fake things.
    You cannot make things glossier then they are.
    At best you can "help" a bit with highlights and shades.
    But a fact is that bright colors appear glossier then dark colors. So you can try to make a color a bit brighter to have it appear glossier.
    To make things dull, the best trick it to use noise. Due to the noise you have no solid color than can look shiny like a solid color does.
  3. #3

    Re: Glossing /dulling paint surfarce

    Thanks I'll give your suggestions a try.

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