Point taken Otterkins and understood, sorry for sounding like an anal receptical, my bad.
Jester, the line drawing is used as a template to place blocks of colours in and is on it's own seperate locked layer. This way part or all of it can be copied, screened back and used as further detail or for creating other templates. As a professional graphic designer I can't see how you could function at this othewise.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 23rd January 2008 at 01:21. Reason: spelling
Hi again,
Gamary, you have not scared me away,I haven't been in the right frame of mind to do much on the B-29 of late. I will hopefully be back at it this week, mood permitting of course.![]()
I will keep you updated as and when I make noticable progress.
Thank you for all your support so far guys.![]()
Jester, looks like you are already doing zakly what I wanna do. Awesome work! Just what I wanna be when I grow up...but at 60 that seems unlikely to happen any time soon.![]()
^ Throws an arm around Otto's shoulder in a totally male bonding way whilst saying, "welcome to simmers there ol pal". Now lets go get that beer shall we and talk about solving all the worlds problems whilst we are at it.
Ah, you know we never grow up
As the saying goes, girls grow up to be women, boys grow up to be boys.
60, you are pulling my leg right?
I think we are going to get along just fine.
Good! (Well. I wasn't thinking of me scaring you away. Maybe some other guys on the block?Gamary, you have not scared me away)
I'll be looking forward to the B-29 progress!
its G...G....Gamary, RUN!![]()
LMHO.its G...G....Gamary, RUN!![]()
You want scary?
Sorry for the interruptionBack to work!
Last edited by BLOWHARD; 25th January 2008 at 01:22.
Buddies? Well I sure hope so Jester. By the way, these belong to you....