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  1. #1

    Splash paint stroke?

    I'm trying to acheive the look of dabbing a brush straight into the plane using the ends of the bristles. I'm particularly interested in a wet whitewash look if you will. So try to imagine a watery white wash pattern of splat, almost of a starburst. Now I'm using the paint brush set at 50 opacity and sized at 30, hardness set to 0. This leaves a light edged and see through white dab which I can shape into different shapes besides the usual circle. Then I set the paintbrush to size 1, hardness to 100 and draw lines coming from the center of the original dab in patterns that simulate a watery paint thickness with the streams comming out in all directions. I was wondering if there is an "add-on" that I can download to simulate the brush bristles which can give me the starburst pattern. I've checked the paint bristles that come with the program but the starburst that corel provides acheives lousy effects.
  2. #2

    Re: Splash paint stroke?

    What version PSP? I think from 10 on you can create 'Art Media' layers that do all sorts of neat things with paint brushes
    Also, what about flood filling with a texture? It may be quicker and then push it around with the smudge tool ...?

    Proudly skinning with Paintshop Pro since 2002
  3. #3

    Re: Splash paint stroke?

    I'm using Paint shop pro X. I will try both suggestions.
  4. #4

    Re: Splash paint stroke?

    Works great thank you. I've found some paint brush strokes and I'm experimenting with the variables. loading the brush ect. ect. I believe I've found the effect that I'm looking for.
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    'Neither here or there.'

    Re: Splash paint stroke?

    Quote Originally Posted by joes1944 View Post
    Works great thank you. I've found some paint brush strokes and I'm experimenting with the variables. loading the brush ect. ect. I believe I've found the effect that I'm looking for.
    hello..Joe! The Effect Your Trying to/have Achieved..?
    I'm Trying Similar with PSP Pro XI (Well Getting to Grips with It)
    I was looking for A Splinter Pattern Green on White like The
    German Army Snow-Suits (All White with Green Splash Effect)
    Looks like Pine-Needles/Splash.
    Scheme was Painted onto A Ju87B (No Image) by M8.
    Hopefully Achieve Effect..
    David ebz7350
  6. #6

    Re: Splash paint stroke?

    I hope I'm not too late, I don't visit this site too often. The original effect I was trying for was; As if a man was whitewashing the plane for winter cammo with a Mop. But instead of painting with it, he just plopped it onto the fuselage so that it looked like an explosion of sorts of paint almost like a paintball hit. With the outward streaks eventually dripping downward. A sloppy but hurriedly applied effect. I achieved it by using paintbrush, then to the right of presets. underneath File. Is a box with a dot in it and a downward arrow to the right of the dot. Click on the downward arrow a window should open up. use the slider on the right side and drag it downward until you see, Marble2, this will be your paintbrush. Resize it to your desired size and all the other effects to choose from. Now this effect is mostly technique not just the paint brush you use. So you'll have to experiment with what works for you. good luck.

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