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  1. #1

    how to edit tga files in photoshop?

    i am skinning in lockon flaming cliffs. i can repaint the skin themsleves but now i need more, but the markings and numbers are on a tga file and when i open it i cant see anything in the layers section but i see the different channels, one colour each. and an aphachannel.

    i think i know that this is done in the alphacahnnel, so i wonder if i can edit the files with photoshop cs2 or if i just need another tool. If i can, is there any guide that tells me how to manage the alpha channel.

    thank you.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: how to edit tga files in photoshop?

    A TGA has no layers. In the layer window you should see one layer, normally called "Background" that contains the complete image.
    Check to see if your TGA is in RGB mode (Image - Mode) if not change it to RGB mode and you should be able to add your own layers on top of the original layer.

    Alpha channel is used mostly to tell the game which parts of the file should be transparent. It is not used to display markings which are in the actual paintscheme. Alpha channel is often involved when markings are seperate files which are projected over the paintscheme, like is done in IL-2 for example.
  3. #3

    Re: how to edit tga files in photoshop?

    okay, thank you, but it?s not all clear to me still. i have it in RGB mode but i cannot see anything that looks lika anything, only different colours on the entire area when i change between the channels. i guess it?s supposed to be like that but once i saw something on a tga for the afterburnerfile. it was just a circle with dots on the side around it,surrounded by the colours of the channels. could that be the entire picture it takes to make the afterburner look the way it does?
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: how to edit tga files in photoshop?

    Can you post a screenshot from PS from the RGB channels all on and one of the view in Alpha channel?

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