I've not tried an output to DDS myself, so I can't say.
I do know that a program called DXTBmp now supports DDS output. You can download this program here:
Can bright be used in converting from PSP or tga, files to DDS?
I have used it succesfully in the past with PCX, but so far unsure about converting to DDS.
Thanks for the info. I actually currently use DXTBMP to adjust alphas on DDS files. Works nicely for that. However I still get degradation of the DDS file as you need to use your regular paint program in conjunction with DXTBMP.
I played with Bright and a new DDS converter Utility.
The first thing I did was unpack the file from the TW game and convert it to a Bmp file, I painted it, used Bright to convert the colors, then I reconverted it back to a Tga file, and then back into a DDS file which actually worked in the Target Ware game to my surprise.
BUt as far as using bright to do all the conversion ?
Don't have a clue.
DDS compression comes at cost and creates artifacts no matter what you do. DXTbmp will degrade your dds file a bit more than photoshop or PSP.
A tip I've just discovered : flatten your template in your paint programme and save it directly in dds format. I used to save it as a bmp first but the results are not as good as the direct saving in dds.
It's said that the latest Nvidia dds plugin is more efficient so make sure you have the latest version.
Someone else said that, I have seen no Anomalies in the skins I converted.
I used Bright to convert the colors and then changed it to a TGA file then converted to a DDS file with no unusual effects.
The skins look the same as if I had done them in Bright and saved as a Bmp image to go into IL2.
Thats pretty Odd for it to do that .
When you converted using bright, do you mean directly from a .PSP file to .TGA
or .PSP to .BMP? Very interesting, I am trying to convert a .psp file to DXT5
and its really causing some issues with this particular file, getting bright to work would be very helpful.