You need to drop the file into the plug-in folder of PSP
Could someone help me install macs remove white? From download all the way through, for some reason it's not working out for me. Thanks in advance.
You need to drop the file into the plug-in folder of PSP
I use PSP 7
msvcrt10.dll goes into your main PSP folder and MACWHITE.8BF goes into your plugin folder in your main PSP folder.
Then rename the file in the layer palette to something like "Frame".
This is where most fall down. If you leave the file name as say "background",( which it tends to be in my case) it doesn't tend to work.
Once you have changed the name, then apply the filter. You may want to increase the colours 16 million on the colour tab. Remember to change it back to 256 colour once you have finished painting otherwise it wont show in game.(sure this is correct).
Hope this helps.
"Second To None"
Forgive me for the hijack here..but I've seen several posts regarding the 'Remove White' plug in for PSP.
How is it different from using the magic wand tool in PSP?
Remove white works on the entire layer I believe, creating transparency for the entire layer based on the lightness of all pixels. Last I checked, even light gray areas were slightly transparent after running remove white, where as the magic wand would have cut around these areas, perhaps not too cleanly.
Thats great information.
The wand does tend to leave jaggies when used.
Remove White may be just what I'm looking for.
Now if I can only get it to work...see my post regarding inoperative plug-ins.
Kevin Jarvis
I fly FSEconomy
Ok everyone.
I finally found a remove white/black file just for PSP and it works great.
also I found out that on my plug-ins that were not working all I had to do was point PSP to the file folder where they resided...even though I put them in the plug-in folder...LOL.
Anyway, thanks for the help and the great tips.
Keep up the good work everyone.
Kevin Jarvis
I fly FSEconomy
I have never heard of these plugins. Could you please enlighten me?
Great News you got the plugins working. I'm not a PSP user, and didn't find any answers on that.
If you have a layer that has black lines on a white surface, you can apply this filter and everything that is white becomes transparent. Exactly like the Layer option Multiply.
So, it is an easy way to do it. It became especially popular in times that the Multiply blending option was not available in (all) graphics software.