and what is the difference between this one and the one show in color swatches in this forum?
Here's a colour chart I created for you guys. Everything all in one place and as far as I know a complete listing. If I missed anything, let me know!
and what is the difference between this one and the one show in color swatches in this forum?
I offer no apologies. This is what I have collected over the last 40 years from actual paint chips. You are free to either accept or reject them. The colours as shown are at 100%. You will need to scale them down appropriately for the work you are doing. If you feel other posts are better, feel free to use them. I am simply sharing what I have.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 11th April 2008 at 06:19.
It looks nice
Did you use the old Monogram book or the new ones? What about Eagles chart? It's fun cross referencing those chips!
But I don't see these colors anywhere