How do you do that +L under wing that it looks so crooked?
Hi guys
This is the first time I've ever tried to profile something. Before asking questions, here is the WIP
There still is a lot to go on it: finishing the rivets, adding the RLM 73 camouflage, shading, windows and probably a hundred other things I've not thought of...
Anyway, now to the questions.
a) I've tried several different ways to get the underwing cross and letter looking correct, but each time, it comes out a little too crooked. How do I go about fixing that up
b) the perspex hasn't yet been attempted, but does anyone suggest how I get it to look like perspex without it looking 'blue'?
Comments or criticisms are welcome (but please guys, remember this is my first attempt!!)
How do you do that +L under wing that it looks so crooked?
Hi there, and welcome!
Back when I painted a few profiles, I used the transform tool in Photoshop Elements to create the perspective on markings. I did not use any perspective angling to create the foreshortening, but just simple, even horizontal scaling (since the drawing doens't have any perspective to begin with).
Other wise, nice start. Maybe some highlighting on the upper surfaces.
Welcome! You've picked a nice subject!
Adlabs is right about the cross and letter, and you should follow his advice.
Concerning the glazing, I'd suggest you use a very light grey with a touch of blue, and then shade/highlight that. You can also add reflections of the horizon to it, and possibly some clouds. But that's a but more complicated, so maybe you shouldn't bother with that on a first attempt.
Ahh, highlights - I knew I hadn't thought of something. As for the +L, thanks for the tip. I will try it
Thanks again
Welcome to the mad house Adams.... good start
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