Oh yes, posting WIP is surely welcome! Already looking spectacular with this!
My typhoon project is at a stage where I though you guys might be interested in seeing where its at, as usual there is still quite a bit too do before it can be considered finished, but you get the idea where its headed. Feel free to add criticism constructive or otherwise, just remember that there is much revision yet to be done. This has to go on the back burner for a few weeks as I have an inconvenient stretch work that needs to be done first.
Oh, and one thing I have always wanted to ask but never thought to, when I (or anybody) post a WIP is it preferable to only post finished works here or is it of interest to see WIP's?
Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 27th May 2008 at 07:33.
Oh yes, posting WIP is surely welcome! Already looking spectacular with this!
Great Work GiantFlyingRobots
I think is very interesting see WIP's we can always learn something new
Very nice looking!My only comment would be to reinforce shape definition. Your "texturing" looks very nice and I'm looking forward to the rest of it.
good work GFR. Caution ! when I click on rocket pylon to enlarge it takes me to another site. I think this is a worm - better check your system and perhaps reload images. A hacker is spoiling our happy club fellas,
Well, you've done a very good job with the radiator section, which is good because that's probably the hardest part on the aircraft. Mostly, I'd suggest you add shading to the top of the fuselage, which looks a tad flat, especially behind the cockpit. You might want to add a bit to the lower part as well.
If you do that, I think you can achieve a very good result. That is, you'd show both the massive aspect of the aircraft, plus its finesse. It's a bit contradictory, but that's how I've always thought of the Typhoon/Tempest design.
You should also consider making the rocket rounder with the shading.
The more I look at your drawing, the more I like it and think it has potential. I'll be waiting for it!![]()
One additional thing Giant, maybe you should tone down the amount of chipping and scuffing on the rocket. These things were delivered with "no miles" on them and they only went one way. I can see some scuffs and chips but that thing looks like it's been used over and over for months:P
Aside from the other points, this is one hell of a nice looking profile so far!Great job
Its funny that you mention the rockets BLOWHARD as I wanted to scuff them up even more,as most of the images I have at hand show them to be in a pretty poor visual state either on weapons trolleys or attached to the Typhoons rocket rails. Looking at them again I will probably ease back a little on the chipping and add more shadow and fading.
As always thanks for the feedback.