Well done! You might want to consider reworking the exhaust stacks and adding a bit of wear and tear, but otherwise a very commendable offering.
Hi all,
this is my first "air" contribution to this site. Ready for comments and don't forget the Luftwaffe contest...
Messerschmitt Bf 110 D of Rudolf Hess with extra fuel tank
Well done! You might want to consider reworking the exhaust stacks and adding a bit of wear and tear, but otherwise a very commendable offering.
I guess you are right Otterkins2, the exhaust needs some smoke stinks and some damage would be nice. I think I have to add some riveting to the fuel tank. Although... on second thought the plane looks far more better than the real thing now...![]()
Generally the heat generated by the engines is so high it burns off any paint or finish. Being made of rolled steel they rust pretty quickly. Check out some of your reference photos for such details. I still gotta say it's a fine effort on your behalf of a very noteworthy and little done aircraft. Hoping to see more from you.
you mean like this exhaust damage that I made for this Junkers Ju 87B-2?
Absolutely much better! Needs a bit of work but you are sooooooo close!
Thanks Otterkins2! I'll keep that in mind.
Do you have any profiles of german planes, ww2 Era?
TV, I can't draw to save my life. All I can do at the moment is line drawings which I have posted here. Right now you are far further ahead than I am. You picked a very unusual and historic aircraft to do that not many have bothered to portray. I'm looking forward to seeing what else you are going to come up with.
Thanks Otterkins2, actually the specific profile was a request for a book about Hess's life. But I like making profiles of planes, tanks and ships that have something unusual in their life...