great work GF, the fusolage of your CA27 look gorgeus![]()
very interesting your info about that aircraft too![]()
I thought I might try my hand a shiny silver thing with remarkably stationery wings.
Here's the linework so far. I am still sorting out stencils and a kind chap is shooting them for me this weekend at Temora. (Thanks for your help, Santo, but there is precious little the same with your F-86!)
The CA-27 was an Australian derivative of the F-86 using a Rolls Royce Avon turbojet instead of the standard GE(?) unit. This made them some of the quickest Sabres in the world. I have heard the Canadair Sabres lay the same claim, so I am not sure who just was the quickest. Anyway, the Avon needed 25% more air, so the nose section was deepened several inches. The engine was also moved backward to maintain the CoG. This in turn shifted the fuselage break further back. In all, 60% of the fuselage was completely re-engineered.
It started out with the slatted wing and then shifted to dry and eventually wet leading edge 3-6 wings.
It also packed 2 x 30mm cannon in place of the standard 6 x .50 cal machine guns.
We had some lovelly bright shiny paint schemes on these so you should see something quite pretty soon.
Watch this space.
great work GF, the fusolage of your CA27 look gorgeus![]()
very interesting your info about that aircraft too![]()
OK, I've glued on wings, wheels and weapons and we are ready to fly!
Let's do some rendering.
It begins!
Not at all happy with the silver door yet. Much more experimenting is needed. It's just looking like dirty grey at the moment. Wheel is coming up okay. I do need to study tyre bulges more closely.
I do like wheels with deep recesses. They let you play with inner shadows and bevel and emboss and colour overlay etc etc. Yum yum!
Toatally freaky Grubby! Awsome piece of work!!!! How about you save those stencils up close and personal like and share them as a help file?
Last edited by Otterkins2; 5th August 2008 at 11:48.
No problem. When I get them finalised I will post them. I don't know that they'll be good for anything except other CA-27s.
your CA27 look gorgeus GF
very interesting the stencil... they are completely different from F86...
very nice your rendering experiment the look great
I like so much the wheel![]()
Last edited by santynus; 5th August 2008 at 15:14.
... holy ******** grubby! LOOK AT THAT WHEEL! So effing godlike, and it's just a wheel!
Can't wait to see the final result!
I don't reckon you got your stencil details from the Moorabbin Sabre.
Got a paint scheme in mind? The former RAAFM, now on loan to Temora and soon to fly, Black diamond would be nice. There are a lot of great schemes to represent from this period of RAAF history.
Oh and, Looking typically great, post lots of updates!!!
The Moorabbin bird is a strange one, apart from the lack of stencils (there are still plenty on the underside of the wings), it has the final wet leading edge 6-3 wings but the early gun blast tubes. I'll need to look into that.
The Temora bird will be my first scheme. I'll be doing it as she is at the moment. I'll then turn my attention to older schemes. There were some good ones. There are even a few Malaysian and Indon schemes, as they picked them up after we had finished with them.
One of the armament fits was eight air-to-ground rockets, but I've only seen one pick of a CA-27 with them fitted. They were also capable of carrying four drop tanks, but I've only ever seen two fitted.
On drop tanks, one of my contacts is an ex-Mirage pilot and apparently the Stores officer used to get a little irate when the supersonic tanks were described by the pilots as "drop tanks" seeing as they each cost as much as a new Mercedes!