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  1. #31

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?

    Hi Clint

    Sorry to have taken so long to comment on your work. I also would like to give you thumbs up for your efford..Great work ! I too think the shadings need some improvement but, you are really talented so i´m sure you´ll get it right if you give it a few tries !

    great work !
  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?

  3. #33

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?

    Very nice work Clint!
  4. #34
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?

  5. #35

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?

    I´m curious: How did you do teh greay parts fo teh camo scheme ? did you paint it with the airbrush in PS, if so how did you manage to get the scheme accurate ?

    Again: this is solid work !!
  6. #36
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?


    Right basically this is how I created the Luftwaffe Wellenmuster (Worm) Camouflage on my FW189A2. Firstly I tend to create everything in Illustrator ie outlines, markings, separate blocks of colour etc so I am then able to just convert the path to a selection and fill it or stroke the path with a brush in Photoshop. I found a side on photo of an FW189 with the Wellenmuster camo applied:

    Which I opened up in Illustrator and using my Wacom tablet and the Pencil Tool I traced the Worm camo. and ended up with this:
    I then copied and pasted this worm path into Photoshop, saved the path etc. Then set up a brush in photoshop to replicate how the worm Camo looks (Like a Calligraphy Pen):

    I then select the path and from the paths palette stroke the path with your new Wellenmuster Camo Photoshop Brush.

    A Wacom Tablet is really a must for this kind of camo. Once you use a tablet you then find a lot of other tasks that a tablet is really a must for!
    Tracing it is really the only quick way of doing this as it is quite a stylelized squiggle effect which is not easy to hand draw at the scale we do things.

    Hope this helps?

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  7. #37

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?

    Thank you for your explanations, I find them valuable.

    I appreciate this transition from Illustrator to Photoshop. And this gives me new ideas to simplify my work.

    Usually people focus more on Photoshop, than Illustrator.

    PS: I think one day, I should begin to use a tablet, rather than just drawing with my mouse (an extension of my brain now ).
  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?

    I don't understand how anyone can use a tablet. I bought one years ago and for the life of me I couldn't co-ordinate watching the screen and watching my hand movements at the same time. Worse yet, since no physical marks are left on the drawing surface you have no idea where you are placing the pen on the drawing until you touch the surface and make a mark...and you can't lift the pen off the surface until the line you're making is complete. After a month I gave it up as a lost cause and went back to using the mouse and the pen sits in the closet gathering dust.
  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Kent, UK

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?

    Hi Otter

    Trust me I really don't like em either. 99.999999 percent of my work is still done with my trusty mouse. It's only really this camo, the edge of panel paint chipping where I just set it to a 1 or 2 pixel white pencil and scribble along the panel line and also they are pretty handy if you want to quickly trace/redraw an emblem in Illustrator I just loosely trace the segments with the pencil tool and tablet then tidy up the path after with my mouse. A Tablet just adds slightly more fluidity and looseness to the cursor movement at times when it needs it apart from that its the much more natural mousy all the way. I picked up my Wacom Bamboo for about £60 quid so not that much probably cheaper now. Otter you might be a bit more comfortable with one of these:
    But they aint cheap.

    P.s at some point soon I will finish this profile when I get a bit of time.
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  10. #40

    Re: Hi New Here! Pls take a look?

    Since I have never used a mouse I suppose I can offer a simple comment to our good friends Otterkins. Does he not shave? Surely using a pen is no harder than watching the movement of your razor in the mirror? If the pen and tablet had been invented first, there never would have been a mouse. Drawing with a mouse must be like trying to write or draw with the pen or pencil clutched in your fist. How one can achieve any sort of delicacy with a mouse is beyond me. With the pen one sets the pressure to suit one's personal preferences. A good pen setup should work without actually touching the pad. I have noticed that if someone isn't taught to hold a pencil correctly then their chances of using a Wacom or similar pen is reduced accordingly. See below.

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