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  1. #1

    Damian's profiles: 6 French Skyhawks :)

    Hi All!

    After lurking here for a bit I've decided to start posting my work. I'm totally in to what-if modeling and by extension profiling Here's my latest work a quartet of T-2s from the Commonwealth

    1. RAF 216 Sqn

    2. FAA FARDU

    3. CAF

    4. RAN

    There you go! I hope you like 'em!!
    Last edited by d4m1an; 16th September 2009 at 23:12.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Looks nice though the lighting is a bit basic Cool choice of plane though, the buckeye has always been a favorite of mine What did you base the drawings on?

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  3. #3

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Quote Originally Posted by Supah View Post
    Looks nice though the lighting is a bit basic Cool choice of plane though, the buckeye has always been a favorite of mine What did you base the drawings on?

    I'm still learning how to portray lighting and shadows, though it's mainly a vehicle to visualise my thoughts while my models are all stashed away.

    The drawing was based off a small colour profile for a USN T-2 and a USN paint guide I found. Not the most accurate things on the planet my it looks like a Buckeye to me!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Chattanooga, TN

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Great work on the color schemes. Like Supah said, needs work on the lighting, but it works for what your doing. If you're doing what-ifs....maybe a USAF T-2 in something like SEA or Euro 1 Camo. Could be used in a Forward Observer type role.
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Quote Originally Posted by wh1skea View Post
    If you're doing what-ifs....maybe a USAF T-2 in something like SEA or Euro 1 Camo. Could be used in a Forward Observer type role.
    Greece uses these planes as trainers in a SEA like camo scheme Only Buckeye I ever saw was a greek one at I believe a german airshow somewhere.

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Chattanooga, TN

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    I've seen pics of the Greek T-2s. Hmm....what about a Buckeye in Aegean Ghost?
  7. #7

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Hi All!!

    Here's my latest blank template for my on going South African Navy what-if line:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    hi damian,

    first things first, dump that outline drawing, use as a base by all means, but make it the bottom layer, then remove it.
    we all started the same so don't fret none, get your basic shape done in colour if you wish, then we will help you work on your highlight and shadow.
    i want to se your T-2 take on its proper shape not a semi flat image, your nearly there, so keep at it
    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  9. #9

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    I have to agree with JMsmith...your outlines (and panellines) are way too heavy. Perhaps it would be an advantage for you if you used a higher resolution. what resolution and size are you working with right now ?

    On the positive side: The shape and proportions of your renditions look very authentic ! Thatīs a great start (and itīs very difficult to alter once you have made shades and such). Try to follwo the treat regarding teh application of shades and highlights, some of users from in here (myself included) have given away their techniques to how the do shadings. Trying out other artists techniques gives the quality of your work a boost, thatīs for sure !

    Hwn iīm appling shades and highlights, i always try to tell myself: Thereīs no area on a aircraft thatīs not affected by either a highlight or a shade ! So you should be able to remove the bottom layer (with the outline, markings and paint scheme) and still be able to recognize the aircrafts features and shape.

    Hope this helps ! I think you will come a long way in a short time, so keep up the good work !!
  10. #10

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    ...just one more thing: After looking at your Neptune, i see the highlight you have made is pretty consistent in strenght all the way down the fuselage. Depending on where your "global light soruce" is, that very rare to see a consistent highlight. Try to alter the highlight and make it more light in one place (usually around the nose)...That gives a really nice effect !
    Also, rememebr that a aircraft is rarely, if ever, a perfect circle shape down the lenght of teh fuselage. Usually, itīs more of a cigar shape, which also makes the highlight stand abit more out on some places, and on otehrs.

    Hope this made sence !

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