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  1. #11

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Thanks guys!! All this helps HAving only started this in November '08 and having no artistic training whatsoever its been a steep learning curve But a fun one at that!

  2. #12

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Hi guys!!
    I've been busy trying to teach myself Inkscape for drawing my outlines in I chose the SH-2F as a starting profile too :O Needless to say things are going slowly but surely!! In the mean time I have another trio of T-2s for you!!

    1. RDAF training flight. On this profile I'm trying out a new (for me) technique of representing a NMF. Let me know what you think!!

    2 and 3. To Greek T-2s I've been unable to find pics of Greek T-2s in anything other than their SEA scheme, hence I think these two Agean blue and Ghost birds are whiffs

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Chattanooga, TN

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    That A-Ghost bird is awesome. Might want to lighten the colors though.

    Check out how light they are on this Greek Phantom....
    Last edited by wh1skea; 4th September 2009 at 15:09.
  4. #14

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    A T-2 in RDAF colors ? Did we ever operate that aircraft ? I have never seen that before
  5. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Chattanooga, TN

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    These are "What-if" profiles.
  6. #16

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Quote Originally Posted by Aircraftprofiles View Post
    A T-2 in RDAF colors ? Did we ever operate that aircraft ? I have never seen that before
  7. #17

    Re: Damian's profiles: A trio of Mentor T.2s :)

    Hi All!!

    Anyhow seeing as I've been a busy little boy today I present another trio of aircraft!!! I think it's high time that I use my T-34C blanks that I drew and shaded don't you? Well I've gone with a RAF theme on this one and have taken a look at 1FTS.

    1. 1FTS special scheme. This is the colour scheme worn by the Mentor T.2s in RAF service:

    2. 72(R) Sqn 90th anniversary colours. The two tone white/red was replaced with a black over all scheme later in the Mentor T.2's service life:

    3. 207(R) this is a "standard" scheme machine in the late service colours and markings:

    There you go I hope you enjoy them

  8. #18

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Hi All!!

    The Neptune has had a long and important role in guarding the Republic's coast lines. Assigned to 6 squadrons the Neptune conducted a variety of missions during it's service life, flying everything from fleet interdiction through to fisheries protection flights and even telstar ops for rescue missions (see the MTS Oceanos sinking for the roles played by Neptunes from 76 Sqn).

    To extend the service life of the Neptunes a rebuild, refit and re-engining program saw the radial engines being replaced by PT-6 turbo props, a fuselage stretch as well as an extensive modernisation of the flight deck and sensor suits.

    1. A 73 Sqn machine in the delivery scheme circa '56 - '57:

    2. The same machine in 1969 sporting the "Atlantic" scheme:

    3. A 75 Sqn machine in the lighter "Indian" scheme, also from 1969:

    4. A 73 Sqn machine in the dark ghost grey "low viz" scheme adopted fleet wide in 1980:


    5. A 74 Sqn machine sporting the "3 blue" scheme which was in use during the first half of the 1990's:

    6. A 76 Sqn machine sporting the final scheme to be worn by the Neptunes of the South African Navy:

    There you go! I do hope you enjoy this latest entry into SA Navy aviation!!
  9. #19

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Hi All!!

    Decided tonight to rework my A-4E template and here's the results! I do hope you enjoy them!!!

    1. The SEA HAWKS are the South African Navy display team:

    2. 30 Sqn machine in the West coast aka Atlantic scheme:

    3. A 26 sqn machine in the East coast aka Indian scheme. You'll note her Tonkin yatch club membership

  10. #20

    Re: Damian's profiles: A quartet of T-2s

    Hi All!!

    Today I bring you the Skyhawks of France! We'll all just pretend that this was a good idea and cut right to the mustard so to speak!

    1. Flottille 17F '70s

    2. Flottile 11F '90s

    3. EC-2/3 Champagne '68

    4. EC-2/3 Champagne '72

    5. EC-2/7 Argonne '89

    6. EC-01/012 Cambresis '78

    There you go! I hope I've got them right and I hope you enjoy them!!


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