Looks like a very good start! Interesting concept too working together![]()
A friend and myself decided to have a go at profile art, Always wanted to try it but never got around to it.
My friend Henry started with the panel lines, I started with the lighting, we would like to show you what we have so far. It was only started last night so we have a long way to go
actual size is over 5000px wide
Good start. You should make your highlight broader as the fuselage looks a bit slab-sided for the moment. As far as shading and lighting is concerned, use this rule of thumb: enough is too much. By that I mean that when you think you've done enough of it, do some more.![]()
Thanks guys, we've been working together all morning, sending each other updates whilst talking on teamspeak etc... lol
Rock has busy during the afternoon and evening with flying and homework so I've been doing more of it, the panel lines on the main aircraft are basically what I call complete still need to do a bit here and there to it. Redid the wing lighting and some other stuff. Droptank is a bit small length wise and I'll fix it later. Also a few things lacking on the paint scheme but they will come...
Last edited by f22raptor2006; 22nd November 2009 at 18:34.
Hi, does anyone know the hexadecimal code for the colours that were used on the F-15s? I've had a look in the colour swatches but I don't even know what they called the colour that they painted the F-15s in :S. A search on google didn't really come up with anything either. If someone could find both USAF and RAF colours for this plane that would be great, thanks.
Not a bad start ! Iīm happy to see some other jet-buffs in here, by the way !
I think you are off to a good start, but i o have omehtin for your consideration:
1. The highlight should get more and more narrow as you get closer and closer to the nose of the aircraft. In my eyes it looks too even
2. The shade cast by the wing and intake should fade the lower on the fuselage you go. (I know I have said this many times before, so please forgive me if you have heard it before). On this profile the wing is essentially casting a shadow on the aircrafts belly which is impossible.
3. also for the shade cast by the wing: The intake havenīt got straight sides, so the shade shouldnīt follow a straight line. Instead the sahde should bend when itīs cast over a bended surface...I tried to do that on my recent F-14 (you can find them on this site if you are interested)
4. Iīm by no means a F-15 expert but the nose donīt look quite right to me...perhaps its abit too short.
Hoep you can use these comments ! Please feel free to ask if thereīs anything you want me to elaborate.