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  1. #41
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: Our first profile

    hi guys,

    what supah is on about is the top edge of the intake ramp and the following trucking, check these images, it is a sharp edge.

    go here for lots of hires walkrounds,
    The Airstrip - Prime Portal
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    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  2. #42

    Re: Our first profile

    argh this engine bit is really annoying me, I can't do it :S

    Does anyone have a F-15 profile which they wouldn't mind enlarging that engine area for me to have a look at please?

    I've fixed the intake again, may post pictures later.

    Thanks for all your help guys.
  3. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: Our first profile

    I was talking more about the bottom part. It is flat, your profile shows it as if it was curving inwards which it doesn't. Only at the very bottom does it curve like that.

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  4. #44

    Re: Our first profile

    FYI this is what live AIM 120 C AMRAAMs and AIM 9 L / M Sidewinders look like albeit these are a bit smaller than the real thing. The yellow stripe means it has a live warhead and the brown stripe signifies a live rocket motor. Blue stripes mean they are inert.The second photo is real. I threw in an AIM 9x too
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    Last edited by fritzie101; 1st December 2009 at 03:50. Reason: more info
  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Edmonton, Alberta CA

    Re: Our first profile

    AHA!!! Fritzie is a model freak! Nice detailing job Fritzie. I wonder how many of us profilers are model freaks?
    Last edited by Otterkins2; 1st December 2009 at 07:45.
  6. #46

    Re: Our first profile

    Actually Otter I wish I could take credit but I just found that pic on the web. I will however admit to being a model freak. Unfortunately I don't have any aircraft finished at the moment all I have is Panzers. I have an FW 190 d-9 I'm working on and about 25 - 30 aircraft mint in dusty box condition models waiting to be built . My 1/16 scale Kingtiger appeared in the movie Saints & Soldiers for about 6 seconds however.
  7. #47

    Re: Our first profile

    sorry I'm quite busy at school right now and don't have much time to work on the profile, it hasn't gotten very far since I showed it last time so I won't bother with uploading another picture yet. I'll get more done during the christmas holidays and thanks for the info on the AIM-120C

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