Nice work, Joe! Hopefully mine will look half as good as that! I'm glad someone else here has done one too. It's always fascinating seeing another technique.
The King Air is unusual in that it has no sweep on the inner wing from the nacelle to the fuselage side, giving a challenge to profile the rear of the wing as it approaches the wing-fuselage fillet. This photo shows that pretty well, even with real-world perspective. Hope it helps.
Learning is the name of this game, Marcos. There's not much chance of any of us developing dementia, we are constantly straining our brains!
Thanks for the pic, Vac. It's a good one. This is where the inner wing is so far. I'm not at all happy with it yet, but it is a start. It looks like it's been folded up out of cardboard.
Is this a WIP, or does that discontinuity between the upper and lower nacelle back ends really exist on the airplane you're doing? Can't believe Beech would make a draggy installation like that.
You're teaching me a lot--looking forward to coming lessons.