That gives the same impression. I think the blades must have a very small sweep or trail angle so when they are feathered, they appear to lean back a little.
I've got a yellow one underway. Still needs some work, some detail changes and some gloss, but we're getting there ...
Don't you just love shading yellow! For this one, I duplicated the shadow layers, changed the Blending Mode on the new layer to Overlay with an opacity of 50%, and added a Colour Overlay of a chocolate brown in Layer Styles.
I'm reasonably happy with that, it has changes the yucky grey shading to a nice warm colour without compromising the intensity of the yellow.
Here's the yellow one finished. It's another NSCA bird from the '80s. Remember the 205 and 212 NSCA choppers I've done?
This one has the cargo door and observation blisters added. It also has an inward-opening passenger door. ie. no airstairs. This was developed by NSCA so they could open the door in flight (at low altitude, of course) and rescue parajumpers could leap courageously to people's aid.
I would welcome some suggestions as to what to do with the blisters. They look decidedly opaque, like they've been sprayed inside with black paint! Help!!!
Here's anothery. This one is a local Victorian air ambo. It flies out of Essendon airport for the Royal Flying Doctor Service.
Santo, I have lightened of the fuselage shadows a bit. Thanks for the observation.
Just out of curiosity I thoght 'd try something here: The first image is a screen grab, the second is the original file, flattened, resized and saved as a JPEG.