Drew the lionStill needs some finetuning.
and sort the shadows out for the wing/tail
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Having read this, I'm kind of loathe to bring it up this late(55 pages) in proceedings, and it would probably annoy me if the shoe was on the other foot...but feel I must.
Are you sure that you have the drawn the highlights that are on the nose and at the top of the intakes to match the overall glossy finish of these specials?
To my way of seeing things, they just don't match the technique you've used to portray the gloss paint running the length of the fuselage.
Ugo made pretty much the same point but in a a slightly more eloquent way, with the added bonus of pictures and notesa couple of pages back in post 526.
I feel better now...carry on.![]()
I know I missed the shadows cast by the barrel on the Cromwell but you've not got any cast by the wing at all, it is the only niggle I still have about them, otherwise the profiles and research are top notch, how many have you done so far btw?
Harriers...uppy downy things.
The wing shadow is set to off on the Bavarian machine as I was editing some things with the wing, having it on was distracting. It will be on in the final version as it was in all the others
When look at the finished version of 999 like this;
I think it is a more then adequate representation of a high gloss finish. Could it be better? Probably, but this is as good as it is going to get from me! I am not going to invest a lot of time to get it 0,5% better when it is, to my knowledge and in my opinion, the best representation of a high gloss coating F-104 in profile there is at the moment.
Sorry... I honestly didn't mean to cause you offence, just thought I'd add a little constructive criticism, but as I mentioned in my earlier post, I knew that this late into your project what I was about to say might annoy you somewhat.
FWIW, I never actually said that there was anything wrong with the way you have chosen to represent a high gloss finish, it looks very effective. Of course you should be proud of what you have achieved.
The problem as I see it, is the two highlights that I mentioned in the earlier post. You don't see it that way, so in actual fact there is no problem, lets move on.
Feel free to nit-pick my next piece of work.![]()
Last edited by GiantFlyingRobots; 5th July 2011 at 15:33.
O I wasn't offended, if you look at the picture in Ugo's post with the things that needed editing you will see that the highlights on the intake and nose cone that were there then have been edited and the horizon reflection along the entire length of the drawing is actually there too on the picture of the scale model he posted. Also I don't think his comments were about the horizon reflection at all, just about the reflections on the nose and intake.