I have a feeling that symbols used by some groups are getting more and more something of a problem. Lately I masked all swastika's on the markings page since that gives troubles with German laws.
Earlier today I sent Loke two numbered and one un-numbered G.50 skins in a single zip. I bet he will have it available for download pretty soon at his website for those who are interested.
Most of the regular posters know that I've been making alternate history Confederate skins for quite awhile. I use the Confederate battle flag in my skins. Display of the flag has become controversial in the past few years as powerful political groups have worked very hard to have it banned from both public and private property. The campaign to ban the flag is based on the assertion that it is a racist symbol. That assertion is wrong - the flag, although sometimes misused, is a historical and cultural symbol representing heritage rather than hatred. One of the most notable of its defenders is H.K. Edgerton, a black man and former NAACP official who has suffered a good deal of vilification as a result of his tolerance, understanding, and sincere efforts in behalf of racial harmony.
I regret that the political campaign against the Confederate flag has made it necessary for me to choose between either abandoning a symbol that is dear to me or being wrongfully seen as a racist. I've said all I intend to say about the issue, have no wish to discuss it further except by PM, and I apologize for injecting political dialog into the forums.
I have a feeling that symbols used by some groups are getting more and more something of a problem. Lately I masked all swastika's on the markings page since that gives troubles with German laws.
Yes it will be up soon.
I'm just a bit busy in real life right now, you know when you have 4 kids and christmas is coming and I have been travling some at the same time, it can be difficult to find time to work at the PC.
But as soon as I can spare some time I will upload it
P.S. The symbol is still used in some State flags today!
A crimson St. Andrew's cross on a white field, patterned after the Confederate Battle Flag, and adopted in 1895.
BTW, does anyone know how to add a download counter?
Last edited by RAF_Loke; 30th November 2005 at 12:22.
You mean a script that counts how often you files is downloaded?
You need a language like PHP or ASP, a (MySQL) database or write access to a flat text file you use to store the number of downloads and then link to the file through that php or asp page. That page automaticly downloads the file and increments the counter.
Haha! Your site is great compared to mine. I used Mozilla Suite to build my webpage.![]()
Have you read any of Harry Turtledove's books? He does an alternative history on the Confederate States of America. They start during the Great War (WWI) and are in the middle of WWII now.
I ask this because it goes along with your schemes using the CSA battleflag. Yes, battleflag. The flag of the CSA was called the Bars and Stars and looks like the Georgia state flag except with stars instead of the state seal.
There is a lot on this subject that coud be said, but not on this great website. I also have done a few schemes with the CSA battleflag. They are based on H. Turtledove's books. If you are interested in them post back here and I'll send them to you.
I'd love to see your schemes - I'll PM my e-mail address.![]()
I wouldn?t worry about the Confederate battle flag, like you said it?s an historic flag. Somepeople over here think that the Union Jack & Englands flag of St George are racist but they aren?t. Sadly over the past decade or 2, Political Correctness as become the bane of our life?s hopefully common sense in the end will prevail. (You can please some of the people some of the time, but not all of the people all of the time)
Last edited by SunDog; 1st December 2005 at 21:24.