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  1. #11

    Re: New skin to be posted

    Please, no laughing. What do you mean by PM me? I'm not up on much about the communication part (besides e-mail) of the enternet.
  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: New skin to be posted

    Hi Bulls i,

    You can send a PM, or Personal (or Private) Message, through our forums systems here. It's sort of like an email, but it's sent, received and replied to at this site. Most internet forums have a "PM" system. PM's are private from the view of anyone (except those who you sent the message to, of course).

    To use ours, just look to the upper right of the page, under the picture of the lady painting the star, there's a "Welcome..." message. You'll see a "Private Messages" link there that'll take you right to your inbox to open any messages, and reply to them if you wish. (BTW, a "confirm receipt" is an optional "yep I got it" to the sender, not all forums have this. If the popup appears, I just click "confirm" so the sender knows I got the message, even if I don't answer right away.)

    To reply to someone's PM, just hit the reply button, just like when you post on the main forums.

    Now for a quick easy way to send PMs, just click on the poster name right in the forum thread, and you should get a menu with "Send a private message to..." on it, and your ready to go! Clicking that link will give you new message addressed to that person ready for you to type a message (and subject line!).

    Hope this helps, let me know otherwise and I'll do my best.
    Last edited by adlabs6; 1st December 2005 at 23:21.

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