Excelent line drawing; best I ever saw. It is yours? it is possible to see the whole profile at that scale? I am planning to draw my own Legion Condor E-1/E-3 color profile and would be an excelent template.
Look carefully Santos. You're not even close.
Excelent line drawing; best I ever saw. It is yours? it is possible to see the whole profile at that scale? I am planning to draw my own Legion Condor E-1/E-3 color profile and would be an excelent template.
I try to translate again accurate
1. Hier sieht man ein wenig vom Kurbelgehäuse
1. Here you can see a little of the crankcase
2. Die Hinterkante am Flügel zur Landeklappe / Querruder ist abgerundet
2. The trailing edge of the wing to the landing flap / aileron is rounded
tank you Otter and Heli for your info
I made some upgrade and correction on this profile...
I hope it looking better
Hi aviador3rd March 2011 00:21
Re: Bf.109E
Hello Santynos,
Regarding to the Legion Condor profile, they were not equipped with head armor plating as the ones in WWII.
Best regards
about the head armor plating if you have read the post #22 on this tread, yuo can see I had already corrected this error...
Last edited by santynus; 7th March 2011 at 08:51.
Last edited by Otterkins2; 6th March 2011 at 17:17.
I'm glad I'm not working on a 109, it looks like more trouble than an Albatros!![]()
Research is the key BH.....but then I've already done that to the Nth degree. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I doubt you'll find a more accurate drawing anywhere. I bet you doing a 109 would be a really wild ride!
Last edited by Otterkins2; 7th March 2011 at 08:49.