Thank you Otter And BH for your comments
in another forum I had long discussions about the color of the heart of 7/JG26, Ain El Gazala, Libya, June 1941. A retired French Air Force warrant officer, gave me this explanation and this photos:
"...every searcher thought the heart was red because they imagined that black and white photos were made on ortho films with which the rendering of red is black on the prints. They ignored that the German photographers had only panchro films (Agfa, Orwo). Knowing that fact, the question arose to know if the heart was really red or black. Until the day when Dr Prien discovered those color photos... showing the heart was actually black...
In some books where the heart is colored red there are two options : the book has been published before the photos were known or the author doesn't know the truth..."
Just goes to show you when you think you know everything about Luftwaffe markings a photo shows up and blows it out of the water. I have seen several renderings that show the heart as red too. Although look closely at the front of the supercharger intake in the in the photos it is not yellow, is there something somewhere that shows it was different on this aircraft?
Last edited by fritzie101; 26th April 2011 at 08:41.