It's about time Grubby did another chopper, so Grubby has dusted off some linework he did for a how-to-fly-your-helicopter book some time ago and he is going to turn it into a nice (hopefully) profile.
Grubby, sorry for nipticking, but there are some points you should have a look at. While the top, main windshield and base are perfectly coincident with the real photo, some points are totally wrong. I have made a red circle over the points you chould check in my opinion... Other than that it's a great base!
Even considering acamera distortion the position for example of the doors as well as their size match while the windows are smaller, same for the rear side of the fuselage, the exhaust etc....
Grubby's been to the panel shop and Grubby found his major mistake: The door holes were based on the OH-58D, which has larger rear doors. No wonder nothing matched up. The tailboom was also about 15% too thick.
This should be a bit better. Not finished yet, but a much better place to start from.
I've found some great civil schemes for this as well, so a 206 will be following.
Of course, I'll have to do the JetRanger from Blue Thunder! I''ve been meaning to do the 212 from it as well. Nice and sinister and black. I can see a range of "Hollywood" profiles coming up!