Grubby, the Kiowa looks fine, and I'm sure it will look perfect when finished. Regarding the mass of layers I just can agree. As more as easier to change things. I have no idea how many layers my last work had. I'm sure many hundreds.
Grubby, the Kiowa looks fine, and I'm sure it will look perfect when finished. Regarding the mass of layers I just can agree. As more as easier to change things. I have no idea how many layers my last work had. I'm sure many hundreds.
I've got a count of 350 layers and folders so far, and 120 of those are the interior.
There will be around 500–600 layers by the time I finish rotors etc. and then a further 100 when I create the JetRanger version.
Then you add colour scheme variations and weathering.
My Hueys are up around 1200 layers, with interiors and weapons.
I can quite see how you'd get up around 1500 on your 104's Supe!
My screengrab didn't attach. Here's a section of my layers pallette with everything open.
Just to clear up my last post was meant as a joke as I know that everyone here does a lot of research and the standard is exceptionally high. No offence is intended.
I think the reason I try to keep layers down is that some times I have to receive or pass on .psd files and there is nothing worse than spending an hour working out what layer 98 copy 8 and layer 98 copy 7 actually do so as the complete opposite to you I've been conditioned to go minimal.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Hi Guys.
I finally got back to my Bell 206B-1 Kiowa. I'll do some other Aussie schemes and then morph it into a JetRanger.
Well done! Italian Army and Military Police (Carabinieri) are dismissing their 206 fleet these months. The phaseout of the 20 left choppers of Carabinieri had ben done few weeks ago and these machines will now go to Argentinian Army together with other 10 spare parts machine. Italian Army's will be scrapped. How about Australian Kiowas?
Thanks, Guys.
Ugo, our Kiowas are right on the brink of retirement. Their role, and that of the Bushmaster Huey gunships, is supposed to be being taken over by the new Eurocopter Tigers but they are having teething troubles and aren't on-line yet.
The Aussie Kiowas are not OH-58s, but actually 206B-1s. They are civilian spec modified for Australian Army use. The biggest change is the port-rear door is double hinged and the port central door pillar is removeable so stretchers can be carried. They have no weapons capability whatever.
I've had a bit of a Kiowa day today:
nice batch of profiles. Just a question: the low skid one, we call" bassotto" or Kaninchen, like the short leg dog. However in these the 206 should be more inclined towards the rear, more "seated" on the back but your NAVY one has same position as the other Kiowas. Maybe the skid is different then those of 206 low skids?