My understanding was that early Spitfire marks (up to the MAxxx serial range of Mk IXs) had round rivets, not flush?
It does and I've counted them, just that most of them sit flush and are then painted over so hardly show up at all, it's only the major fasteners such as round the engine which are raised which are really noticeable, printed out they are visible or if you look really really closely!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
My understanding was that early Spitfire marks (up to the MAxxx serial range of Mk IXs) had round rivets, not flush?
Hi Gamary and Ink and to anyone else who might be interested. The early spits had flush and roundhead rivets, the flush rivets beginning at the pilots door forward to the spinner, the body skin aft of the pilots door are round heads. Aircraft with full body flush rivets were introduced in the production lines of the Mk IX but AB910 is definitely flush and round heads and the light does catch the roundheads quite visibly. See Image.
You can read more here:
Download this lot and have a look, all the photos are of AB910, there is some very minor distortion of the skin in places but that's it for most of the smaller rivets, there are some round heads but it depends on the sun angle as to how noticeable they are.
If I have time I'll change the different rivets but as usual pushed for time.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Not sure what advantage would be downloading your images. I pointed it out for your attention not mine. But if you dont have the time...not much point really, laters
I was offering them as a favour to be nice if you wanted more reference photos, just trying to be helpful
Likewise I appreciate the info on the round head rivets around the cockpit and will attend to them at some point, just got a set of 110-Es to turn around by the end of the weekend for someone, plus a kids birthday party which can't be avoided.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Thanks for the explaination and reminder Graficko!![]()
The nose looks a bit round to me, like it would be if it was completely circular when viewed front the front but it isnt. THere should be a noticeable hump over the exhaust stacks shouldn't there? HAH Fancy me commenting on a WW2 plane!![]()
As far as I know (waiting to be corrected) the lumps are for the larger Griffon engined later Spits which have a longer nose. With the roundness of the nose do you mean the spinner or the cowling? If the cowling it really does curve down!
This must be very hard for you to talk about something that has a big spinny thing on the front but we all have to start somewhere!![]()
Harriers...uppy downy things.