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Thread: Spitty Number 5

  1. #31

    Re: Spitty Number 5

    check exhausts RF D is war time photo other one is restored mkv
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  2. #32

    Re: Spitty Number 5

    Thanks for the information and the last photo is great, I don't recall seeing that one before However the profile is of AB910 in the current configuration for the BBMF which has had a number of changes over the years since leaving the factory, including the 6 exhaust stubs, the correct serial for RF-D is EN951, but the BBMF always keep the original serial number on their aircraft regardless of the markings and scheme being represented.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #33
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Milton Keynes

    Re: Spitty Number 5

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesters-Ink View Post
    Hell, one pilot even had a set of exhaust stacks he transferred from his old mount to his new and went to the extremes of going to his planes crash site to retrieve them when he bailed, so that he could use um on his next ride. I laugh at those who say "seen one Spit you've seen um all".
    That would be the late, great Evan 'Rosie' MacKie


  4. #34

    Re: Spitty Number 5

    I hadn't realized the profile was of a restored airplane so i'm guessing the earlier photo is of the actual aircraft you're profiling.I noticed the Mk II the BBMF has /had(do they still have it?) has later style exhausts as well.
  5. #35

    Re: Spitty Number 5

    Fortunately the history and changes to AB910 have been well documented since it was first constructed, including a full list of all operations it flew on and changes to the airframe so instead of it being a generic Vb it's a specific one, which is at the moment undergoing an respray.

    I have no idea if the BBMF's MkII still has the later style, but wouldn't be surprised, I get the impression that whilst historical accuracy is important for them it is not the highest priority, unlike some privately owned warbirds where the owners seem to have unlimited funds to indulge in their 'hobbies'.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.

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