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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    S.-Petersburg, Russia

    This girl needs some loving too

    Hello to all.
    I'm working over this Judi but the drawings and material I have are quite poor...
    If anyone have any good detailed drawings (with rivets sets) or any other detailed information about this lady -- please PM me...
    Thanks in advance...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    S.-Petersburg, Russia

    Re: This girl needs some loving too

    To BH, GM, GFR and all others: when you do wings/stabilizers 3D work, do you guys make all the borders sharp or gaussian blur is supposed to be applied after all?

    Overall WIP shot:
    Last edited by Mangas; 20th September 2011 at 13:15.
  3. #3

    Re: This girl needs some loving too

    Really depends on whether there is a sharp edge or soft curve, don't really use the gaussian blur at all, just the brush set to about 1 or 2% it gives a slightly rougher finish and imho looks a little more natural.

    You also need to watch out for that wing shadow, one side is convexed and the other is concaved, you'd only get one or the other, plus the bottom part of the shadow would blend with the bottom curve of the shadow of the actual fuselage.

    Looks like you've made a good start to it though
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: This girl needs some loving too

    Not really sure what you mean.

    Can you elaborate a little further?

    Are you talking about the wings actual outline? If you are keep it sharp. If your not see above.

    Personally I'm not much of a fan of strong reflected light on what is usually matte under-wing/fuselage surfaces. Depending on the wing some light under the leading edge will usually suffice enough to help with shape definition.

    Also a good rule of thumb is to match the shade of your under wing with whatever shadow opacity that you choose to use.

    What line-art are you using? Although I couldn't find a good reference image, your wing root looks to have a curve that is a little too exaggerated, and a leading edge that looks a little lacking in height.

    Glad to see you working on multiple unfinished pieces.

    A true sign of greatness fer sure.
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    S.-Petersburg, Russia

    Re: This girl needs some loving too

    Thanks, Inky & GFR...
    Quote Originally Posted by GiantFlyingRobots View Post
    Not really sure what you mean.
    Are you talking about the wings actual outline? If you are keep it sharp. If your not see above.
    While work, I always use master's as a reference... Now I do IJN stuff -- so I consult BH's Zeros... I try to make my Judi's wing look like his -- but the more I work over it -- I only get it worse...
    But mine's not even close to this... No matter what I do -- BH's always seems to be 2 steps ahead of mine...

    Quote Originally Posted by GiantFlyingRobots View Post
    What line-art are you using? Although I couldn't find a good reference image, your wing root looks to have a curve that is a little too exaggerated, and a leading edge that looks a little lacking in height.
    That's why I asked for any material about her in my 1st post...
    Here's my Y2 reference scheme:

    Quote Originally Posted by GiantFlyingRobots View Post
    Glad to see you working on multiple unfinished pieces.
    A true sign of greatness fer sure.
    Sorry to disappoint you, but I started multiple project and just don't know how to finish 'em. I learn profiling step by step, so I only can do first steps and some 3D stuff and details... I know nothing about making proper panel lines/rivets and weathering yet... That's why I don't go further than camo applying...
  6. #6
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    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: This girl needs some loving too

    Quote Originally Posted by Mangas View Post
    Sorry to disappoint you, ...
    Not disappointed at all. It was more a joke at my own expense for never being able to finish my own work.

    Like I've said before, you're doing a hell of a lot better than I did when I started wasting time on these infernal things. I show you my first profile one day.

    Didn't we discuss rivets in a pm?
  7. #7
    Join Date
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    S.-Petersburg, Russia

    Re: This girl needs some loving too

    Quote Originally Posted by GiantFlyingRobots View Post
    Didn't we discuss rivets in a pm?
    Oh, my...! How could I forgot?! Of course we did! Thanks! I think I did it... I even added that metal bumps effect...
    The only thing that bugs me is that after applyin' multiple shading layers, the overall profile seems quite washy/dim, don't you think?

  8. #8

    Re: This girl needs some loving too

    It looks good to me, but do know what you mean about the rising sun looking a bit flat, what does it look like with all but the colour layers turned off so we can compare?

    Only other thing that looks a little wrong to me is the glow under the wing.

    Otherwise you should be pleased with how it's progressing and hope to see it finished.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Ellistown UK

    Re: This girl needs some loving too


    lets put this one to bed, i have marked in red where you need sorting, your shape is good, its mainly your highlights, the biggest problom is the wing, the leading edge needs the highlight moving to the top surface and making straight, the wing ain't curved, the underwing highlight need reducing by at least 70%, at the moment it looks like some is shinning a BIG light at the underside of the wing.
    please put a gap between spinner and cowling also your exhuast shape needs altering, they are not round more like a box, similar to the BF109e.
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    JMSmith (back by popular demand)
  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: This girl needs some loving too


    "You also need to watch out for that wing shadow, one side is convexed and the other is concaved, you'd only get one or the other"

    I think this is not necessarily so. If the trailing edge of the wing is swept forward and the leading edge is swept back (as in this case) you'll get the effect shown.

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