I'm not convinced by that Vacajun, from all the photos I've seen both the leading and trailing edge shadows will have the same curve, the angle of it will vary with the angle of the edges but the curve will remain the same.
However if there are some photos I've missed that prove me wrong I'll be happy to admit I'm wrong![]()
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Last edited by Mangas; 22nd September 2011 at 10:34.
Let's light that fire again.I'm not convinced by that Vacajun, from all the photos I've seen both the leading and trailing edge shadows will have the same curve, the angle of it will vary with the angle of the edges but the curve will remain the same.
However if there are some photos I've missed that prove me wrong I'll be happy to admit I'm wrong
For the record, I agree with Joe. Curved shadows are never very visible/obvious, but they are a fact.![]()
As I predicted, I feel having "I think I can never make those damned shades & highlights" complex...
The more I edit -- I only get it worse...
Here's what I made... I can't do better... Sorry:
But I don't give up... Making baby steps into weathering now... (it's sooo hard to be random with paint chips... Mine seem kind of "predictable" so far...
To JMSmith: I'll get to the exhaust tubes tomorrow...![]()
Last edited by Mangas; 22nd September 2011 at 19:11.
much better,
try playing with all the complexs curves around the radiator inlet and the cowl flaps, this will really bring the nose shape out![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
To JMSmith: -"Did I thank you?"... -"No"... -"I will"...
Jokes aside, your pics rock!
Btw, this one is coming to finish... I'm not really love my paint chips, but the more I do -- I only make it worse...
Still need to adjust a tail wheel & make a fuel tank (or big bomb)...
P.S.: this is really strange, but rivets are not visible...They can only bee seen when really close:
Last edited by Mangas; 2nd October 2011 at 13:33.
overall good, but the rivets arent too shiny? what I ussually do is to make copy of rivet layer...
the original is in white, and lower opacity to about 20%
the lower layer, the copy, is al in black, plus stroke effect (outside and about 2 px) and also make it 20% opacity. usually works for rivets IMHO![]()
Peter Kassak
Mangas, very, very good- I like your chipping! With the rivet changes that pkassak has suggested it will be a great job.
I'd like to make a suggestion for your consideration regarding the underwing shading. Based on the shape of the shadow that the horizontal tail is casting on the lower fuselage, I'm presuming your sun angle is about 10:00 from the left. If that is the case, I think the wing's trailing-edge shadow will follow along the same angle, but with the curvature I've noted. Did the Judy have a wing-fuselage fillet? If so, its shadow will show up as I've noted. Also, the shadow on the landing gear strut will be straight, not curved as you show.
I'm posting a thread with some information you might find helpful in visualizing the shadows.
Good job!!
It does look pretty good!
Aside from what's been said, I'd add one more thing. the chips below the pilots cockpit stand out too much in my opinion. You've got them darker along the fuselage behind the wing where the shadows are. Try darkening the section of chipped off paint above the wing and below the fuselage highlight some. That will push them back some and the wing tip will pop out from the fuselage more. Right now the chips are competing with the wing tip.
You're getting there Mangas, NICE WORK!![]()
Keep working at it, and it will be great.![]()