Thanks again.
You GIF is Fine, a white background and thus a bit of white border will not be visible on a metal like background. Do not worry about the black on your thumbnail, like I said it is the fault of this forum. It makes a small thumbnail when you upload an image. If you click on it, the background is white (like the rest of the page).
How I made the thumbnails?
I assume you mean the screenshots of how I work.
I Press the "Print Screen" key.
This places whyat you seen on the screen on the clipboard
Then start a new image (File - New) and then I paste it into the new image. After that I Select what I want en do Image - Crop too make it as small as you see them.
I save them as JPG and then upload it in my post.
If you are curious about how the thumbnails (small images) are created:
That is all done automaticly by the software that is managing this site.
Last edited by Serval; 24th December 2005 at 23:57. Reason: Typos
Thanks again.
Is it possible to react on my question on il2 forum, paintschemes, concerning installing Mc White (from Potver)
Thanks in advance.