Whatever I do with camo, I'm having serious problems with camo spots that seem very dull (due to a lot of highlights layers)? And it spoils all the work...
Last edited by Mangas; 7th October 2011 at 21:40.
AHA! I think I know a way to help maybe, but it's complicated.
I did this same thing on some of my Zeros. Make an over-all green version of your plane, a separate layer or whatever, depending on how your file is set up. Then make adjustments to your highlights and shadows so that they look good on the green. Then you can make a merged layer from that. Go back to your original highlight/shadow set-up, add that green version on top, add a mask layer, and you can cut out your spots.
If you can make a selection of just your spots, you can use that to make masked adjustment layers and use those to adjust your green spots too.
No matter what, shading both light and dark colors and getting a good balance is nearly impossible, and sometimes even harder than that.
There is a really simple solution to this problem, reduce your lighting layers opacity to suit. Or change your blending options to Overlay/Soft Light/Luminosity or whatever.
They look to strong for mine anyway.
You can't expect to have a one size fits all colours, lighting and shade policy.
Horses for courses, my man.
One other thing, you might want to tone down those highlights some. Maybe try using the "soft light" layer setting? Or combining several highlight layers set at different opacites? I use several layers to build up gradual highlights, some are normal and some are soft light or overlay. You'll find you'll pick up some extra color there too.
...oh, he beat me too it![]()
Thanks, guys... Reducing highlights really sucks -- you just loose your hrs of hard work... I tried a lot of different methods... The best option (at least for this very project) seems to have a camo spots on a separate layer, (above all the rest) with "overlay" blending option (+it's double with "soft light" -- to darken camo spots a little)... it's perhaps not the best look, but it's currently the best option 4 me:
Just to add some fun, and talking about "Dragon Slayer", here is a real one, but not japanese WWII plane.
It flyies too, but it's not a profile !
I did it for my own pleasure.
stop showing images of me being poked with a stick![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Sorry. No updates since I was in... depression
P.S: I have some books about this plane, but still the information about the true exact colors that were used is still unclear to me... Any ideas about RGB values for these?
Internet Modeler Kawasaki Ki-45 Toryu in Profile