try these,
using the rgb numbers, not the colour on the chart you see
just remember the japanese colours are argued about more than the RLM colours![]()
do not trust the colours on these profile![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
try these,
using the rgb numbers, not the colour on the chart you see
just remember the japanese colours are argued about more than the RLM colours![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Thanks, John. I've been looking for these!
The only thing that bothers me is the "Dark Green", "Dark Grey" stuff... It's confusing a little since AFAIK most Japanese ww2 factories produced it's own authentic colors, called like "Yokosuka green", "Kawasaki yellow", "Mitsubishi grey" e.t.c...![]()
that why these colours are harder to study than RLM, you know the site to go to,
???????? - ??????Blog?
つれづれなるままに Photo BBS映像談話室
Aviation of Japan ??????: More about JAAF # 7 Ohryoku nana go shoku ????? - yellow green no.7 colour
enjoy sending yourself crazy trying to work it all out![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
The Thorpe stuff is pretty old, I don't think he had all the information to give the colors the correct names. In fact, I'm pretty sure the names of these colors are still debated.
John, that first link, the blog, is really nice! I haven't seen that one yet. The third link is a really good study of the colors and variations, I've used it a lot!
Mangas, if you aren't familiar with Straggler's website, make sure you look around. He's done a lot of research into all the colors and lots of markings as well. GOOD STUFF!
I had meant to post my Zero color chart in the color section here. But I've messed around with the colors so that they will work and look good with my profiles and the way I have my layers set up. So they're not really anything that can be trusted. But just for reference, here are the colors I came up with after 3 years of Zeros along with Ryan Toews' help-
hi BH,
the thorpe stuff came from stragglers site, it is a revised edition![]()
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Cool, I missed those. I think they're fairly new, I'm pretty sure they were being revised last time I looked.
For a LONG time those Thorp books were the only solid research into Japanese colors, and are still the only English language books you can get on the subject I think.
I'm not sure how much research there is for that.Kawasaki![]()
BLOWHARD, can you share those tiny stencils in Japanese you have on your Zeros fuselage & on spinner? I can make my own, but not sure what exactly hieroglyphs should be there...
Well, this is really close to finish... Not sure how far more should I weather it...
Besides, really too lazy to do all those metal bumps alone the fuselage...
Although the color of this particulary guy is still a subject for discussions (and a few minor details are still needs to be done), basically this is it, Ki-45 of 45th Sentai, 2nd Chutai, based at Philippines in 1944 (sorry, Bertrand, couldn't resist to change the background color from white...)
Any suggestions for improvement?
Last edited by Mangas; 25th October 2011 at 17:23.