I may only second that Like of spinnergo on!
Peter Kassak
Harriers...uppy downy things.
If anyone still follows this...
I'm kinda stuck here. Everybody knows about the huge debates over the IJN colors... I really need to get to the j-aircraft.org forum to get their guru's suggestions about the true authentic primer color. But whenever I try to register at that site, I get the same message over and over:
Sorry, you are not allowed to register on this forum.Spam issues - contact us at newwebstuff@j-aircraft.com if there is an issue with this.
I e-mailed 'em reporting the problem, but with no luck.
@BLOWHARD: Dave, if you have the Jim Lansdale's e-mail address, please send it over to me via PM. I need his advice, ok?
Most of the artists do the same mistake: they make IJN a/c looking baremetal in the areas where the paint wears off:
Although looking nice, this is historically wrong.
Untill I overcome the registration problems and find a way to get to IJN gurus, I can only suggest this version of the primary paint (primer) color that reveals after paint wears off:
P.S.: please note that it's still a WIP and it misses a few details...
Last edited by Mangas; 11th April 2012 at 16:07.
That sucks!@BLOWHARD: Dave, if you have the Jim Lansdale's e-mail address, please send it over to me via PM. I need his advice, ok?
Let me see what I can do.
A request for help has gone out. Give it a day or two, if that doesn't work, I'll try something else.
Can't comment on your issues regarding primer colours as its well beyond my knowledge base, but can say that I really like how this profile is turning out.
I need to lift my game.
I got an answer from Jim already-
That's Dave Pluth by the way.Try contacting the webmaster directly at:
newwebstuff at j-aircraft (dot) com
da at pluth (dot) net
Good luck, and let me know if that works.
Last edited by adlabs6; 12th April 2012 at 18:29.
Hi Blowhard,
I munged those email addresses you posted. Should still be human readable, but if there is doubt, just let me know.
Oh, thanks! I didn't think about thatToo bad all those nasty bot and nasty people make it necessary