Did some work on the layers, got rid of some, modified opaqueness of some layers, added details.... got the RCAF code wrong, the aircraft was in the water and dirt covered the letter B instead of R
Blowhard, I do have some nice images of the B-10, but I want to go to the O-47 observation A/C. I have many images like the B-18. This is the second A/C I have worked on for a profile.... the jury is still out if I will continue.... ducks are easier to paint.
Did some work on the layers, got rid of some, modified opaqueness of some layers, added details.... got the RCAF code wrong, the aircraft was in the water and dirt covered the letter B instead of R
Try pushing the opacity down even further, the highlights are still too harsh, the line on the tail looks odd especially on the RCAF version.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
Looking fantastic Paul! Superb subject, nice and ugly!
Agree on the highlights... bit less opacity and you should be good.
Olive drab looks a bit too rich now. If you tone down the saturation and perhaps a minor shift towards green you should be good.
Please see Facebook for my latest work: www.facebook.com/aviationart.aero
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store: www.aviationart.aero
I think that might be correct Skraider. Unless I'm wrong, that's the earlier color, not the OD that became standard. But I could be wrong![]()
Ducks are easier? They don't stand still, have feathers and don't come in RLM 71. Aircraft every time thanks. : ) Might try soft light tomorrow normally use screen for my highlights.
Harriers...uppy downy things.
My last painting was a second place finish in the U.S. Federal Duck Stamp Contest.
Federal Duck Stamp Office: Home
Below are a couple of the paintings from the last couple of years.
Wow! really nice work! I always like ducks, like your pheasant too. I remember my old dog, a flat-coated retriever pup I bought from a hunter. I never used him for hunting so he never knew what to do with game. Sometimes pheasants would steal food from his bowl while he was laying next to it and he could care less. The guy I bought him from always said I spoiled a perfectly good hunting dog ;-)