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  1. #1

    But these Fokkers were German

    New toy for uncle Jester.

  2. #2

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Not you as well, what is it with these old things, first BH and now you

    Great to see you're returned and it's looking good, though personally I'd be tempted to say that the texture is a little too heavy but see what it's like once the colour and markings are in.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Great to see something new from you Jester, its been too long.

    I've always wanted to do a D.VII its probably to my eye the most aesthetically pleasing WWI type. Don't think I'll bother now.
  4. #4

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    I was kinda living in the hopes that Blowhard would pitch in and tell me whats wrong with it John cant say the colours are wrong, cuz he's drunk on bacardi

    @Chris, yes the textures do look a little heavy in plain grey, but with the lozenge on, it needs the extra to break it up and make it look a lil bit more worn in. I cant show the finished product, because it's for publication next year

    @GFR Thanks GFR, but you shouldn't say "don't think I'll bother now", I love to see other peoples take on the same subject. And another thing, after spending so long looking at it , its nice to look at someone else's work.

    Worked my ass off last year (as part of a 4 man team, 3 from simmers) for a book (part 1 is out now) (part 2 will be out in 2 months) if anyone is interested take a look at the link--->

    Hungarian Fighter Colours – 1930-1945: Volume 1

    Hungarian fighter colours
  5. #5

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Illustrator: Viktor Szalai, Kakuk Balázs, Srecko Bradic, Liviu Morosanu
    I can write off Kakuk as we know U R not him but else I am lost in your identity Thought your are US citizen...sorry if it hurts you
    Peter Kassak
  6. #6

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    My mistake, originally it was going to be a single artists project, but sadly he passed away. My work is listed under the "phoenix-Art" banner, which is why in the review, my name isn't listed. (just the way I like it).
    I'm a UK citizen, I hope this does not offend
  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Good to see you are still at it Jester Missed having you around!

    Click my signature picture to visit my site showing my profiles
  8. #8

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Thanks Supah, the workload is a lil bit more even these days, so maybe I can be more active.
  9. #9

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    And I thought it was all the roadworks round your way had meant no interweb!

    Fancy catching up for a beer soon or maybe cuppa?
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  10. #10

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    OH YEAH! You beat me to it! That one is next on my list
    Tell me about the shape of the cockpit opening? Is that non-standard? What about the struts? Are they finished or will you do more to them? They look a bit flat. See these-

    This is a pretty big job, there are SO many variations, it's hard to say what is correct for this particular build. This is a late Albatros or OAW Albatros D.VII? There are probably about a dozen different types of wheel discs for D.VIIs depending on what build. I do believe there should be more roundness to the tire.

    The chin piece between the radiator and lower wing is interesting too. These can be really rounded to almost flat like yours. Most later planes had a bit of a gap between this panel and the panel between the landing gear struts and the wing that acted like a large louver.
    You kind of see it here-

    I'm not sure how to do this but maybe there is a way to show the deep round edge of the aileron balance. The trailing edge of the wing tip looks like it's a very shallow edge.

    You might want to be a little heavier on the louvers too, They look a little shallow.

    Do you have any doubts or details you'd like to know more about?

    Overall this is pretty exiting and it loos really great! Can't wait to see how you tackle the camouflage


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