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  1. #21

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Link is very interesting too, many thank, I'd not seen this one yet.
    He's just now getting his product online after a few years of trial and error. He's done really in-depth research and has used many examples of real fabric including un-faded bits.

  2. #22

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Those struts were pretty damn thing and I think redundant to the structure.

    I might end up sending you a bunch of stuff...depending on what I've got at home. I hope I still have your email

  3. #23

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Last edited by BLOWHARD; 3rd September 2013 at 23:06.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Hot Damn, I love the Emil and Buchon!

    I also hate you. I was planning to do the Emil and now I'm depressed as I won't ever come close to this. I'll get drunk and fall off my terrace and it will be all your fault.
  5. #25

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    OMG, I'm in love all over.

    This is going to be a 109 bone and not in a rude way.

    I owe you a barrel of beer BH.

    I don't want to hear any of that "I don't feel like drawing one of those now" Gamary. Get ya finger out and draw um.
    If we all did that we'd never learn anything from each other would we?
    I feel like that about many of the subjects on here, but where does it end?

    I'm sure BH will draw his D.VII and it will doo doo all over mine but until then . . .

    Many many thanks
  6. #26
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    between tedium and apathy, with an occasional sidetrip to monotony

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Quote Originally Posted by gamary View Post
    Hot Damn, I love the Emil and Buchon!

    I also hate you. I was planning to do the Emil and now I'm depressed as I won't ever come close to this. I'll get drunk and fall off my terrace and it will be all your fault.
    I lol'd. Now I feel bad!
  7. #27

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Quote Originally Posted by Jesters-Ink View Post

    @Inky, butter me up big boy.

    Unless they've changed the laws recently I have no intention of doing that!

    Have you got any good photos of the Bf-109E cowling with the guns in place? All the replicas seem to have had them removed and it would be nice to get them right.

    Gamary if I can Emil so can you.
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  8. #28

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Which side/view do you need?
  9. #29

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    The bit highlighted, the muzzle stuck out a bit but they seem to have been removed from most flying now and I don't have a really good reference shot of it with the guns in situ.

    Also did you get a good copy of Otterkins plans or just the small ones that he left with the rest of us?
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    Harriers...uppy downy things.
  10. #30

    Re: But these Fokkers were German

    Quote Originally Posted by inkworm View Post
    Also did you get a good copy of Otterkins plans or just the small ones that he left with the rest of us?
    Not to take anything away from our Otterkins, (he was a really good friend and partner in this project), the drawings of the 109's were not his alone. We worked on them together for what seemed a lifetime. Yes the project was his idea, but it was our baby. It was our original intention to produce at least 2 books covering various aspect of the 109 and its development, sadly this falls to me now and it's sad that he never got to see the project through to publication.

    It was quite funny back then. He would send me the line art then I'd look at it then we'd rant and rave over skype at each other most nights, trying to figure out which one of us was right. A lot of "colourful" language was used.
    At the end of the day we think we arrived at something close to how it should look. I know quite a few out there agree, but some think we were off our rockers.

    Bottom line is, Otter would want the drawings used and published, so I will see if I can dig them out. Just make sure he gets some credit, his name needs to be out there.

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