Sky has no secret, he's got a room full of kids working away 20 hours a day on his models!
You're right. I started crossing to the dark side in late 2012, and so far have mastered less than 5% of the 3D beast. Skyraider is over the horizon, ahead of us all, in a relaxed sprint as he has noooo competition. He is one baaaaad dude, however if he reveals HOW he does such smooooth wing filets I may yet catch a glimpse of him at sunset [manic cacophony].
Oh Great Skyraider, tell us the secret of your masterful smoooooth 3D wing filet - polygon extension? NURBS? spline extrusion?,
Sky has no secret, he's got a room full of kids working away 20 hours a day on his models!
Harriers...uppy downy things.
LOL! It'll be one of those sensationalist news stories where 20 illegal immigrants are discovered in a cellar, having suffered a decade of 20-hours-a-day 3D modelling! *SHUDDER*
Only discovered when a gasman, who was taking a meter reading, heard loud cursing in a foreign dialect coming from underneath the floor boards. It sounded a bit like "That ****ing 3D program crashed again!" followed by some whip lashes!
Anyway, wing roots... yes they can be a pain at times. The I-16 one wasn't too bad, despite its size. I first built wing and fuselage separately. Then marked the fillet on the fuselage with a spline and built a "spline cage" from the wing to the fuselage. Note the yellow dots indicating the start of the spline, allowing bezier handles in the middle to lay exactly in the same direction as the wing's polygons. The bezier handles at the end (against the fuselage) are pointing straight down, with exception of the trailing edge, which points towards the wing.
And the result:
I hope this helps!
Please see Facebook for my latest work:
or visit my aviation art gallery and web store:
yes but I would have done it right
in my dreams, I can't even compete with Ronnie in profiles
and as for the nasty story about the twenty illegal immigrants working in the cellar, the story was changed to protect the guilty, what the gasman heard was
"f***ing smithy found a fault with the drawing again, now we have to start from the beginning" followed by very loud whipping noises!!!!!!!!!!!
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Oh Great Sky,
wow. I had tried a spline cage, but not with beziers! Many thanks oh Great Sky dude! This is my current A6M2 project with baaad wing filets (sans fin) which I will now re-do using your effective method. You seem to get away with low-poly models which is an art in itself.
Best news is, 3D can be presented in either perspective or orthographic and this sneaky ruse will fool John.
Thanks again Sky. I had tried every known tool in the past 6 months on wing roots except this one. Sometimes ya cannae see wood for trees, and now I understand why your wing roots is so smoooooooooooth; dude they rock,
Ronnie, I cannot stress how I love your work, especially this Soviet legendary plane. Enough to say it just looks "alive"!
If I ever see you making Yak-9 of such quality - I'd be the most happiest simmer!
Thanks Mr Sky. I'm happy with this result. To experiment, I turned the bezier splines into NURBS with surface U-loft and then converted to mesh then poly (with a lot of fiddling with surface direction in NURBS and normals in poly). But its smooth and it works.
For the record, your way is better,
More likely!and as for the nasty story about the twenty illegal immigrants working in the cellar, the story was changed to protect the guilty, what the gasman heard was
"f***ing smithy found a fault with the drawing again, now we have to start from the beginning" followed by very loud whipping noises!!!!!!!!!!!
"LOL! It'll be one of those sensationalist news stories where 20 illegal immigrants are discovered in a cellar, having suffered a decade of 20-hours-a-day 3D modelling! *SHUDDER*
Only discovered when a gasman, who was taking a meter reading, heard loud cursing in a foreign dialect coming from underneath the floor boards. It sounded a bit like "That ****ing 3D program crashed again!" followed by some whip lashes!"
So thats how you do it?
Was said before, your work looks so "alive".
It cant get any better than this.![]()