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Thread: Adding markings

  1. #1

    Adding markings

    How do I add crosses, swastikas, ect. to the specified parts of the plane.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Adding markings

    If you have downloaded the markings, then you can select them in the markings template with the selection tool. Then copy (CTRL-C) and paste them into your own work

    Then in your own work move it and resize it to the size you need using the Deformation tool
    Paint Shop Pro
  3. #3

    Re: Adding markings

    Thanks ! About .com helps alot.
  4. #4

    Re: Adding markings

    Quote Originally Posted by Serval View Post
    If you have downloaded the markings, then you can select them in the markings template with the selection tool. Then copy (CTRL-C) and paste them into your own work

    Then in your own work move it and resize it to the size you need using the Deformation tool
    Paint Shop Pro
    I want to place a JG insignia on the top right fusalge. I pick and open the top right fusalage LAYER of the template. I open the JG palette I have from your site and drag it top the left of the template so I can see BOTH at the same time. I LEFT CLICK on the JG isignia that I want and the marching ants are there. I HOLD DOWN the LEFT button of my mouse and DRAG it over the fusalage area. But nothing happens when I release the button. How do I actually PLACE the insignia onto the fusalage?
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Adding markings

    I do not use PSP so, I have no idea why you see nothing happen. But do the following steps and that should work.

    First make sure you selected the layer in the JG template that actually contains the image you want. Otherwise you will select an empty area.

    Then use the selection tool to isolate the image you want, since all layers contain multiple images.
    Then use CTRL-C and in your own template CTRL-V to paste the image in it.
    Then the image will appear somehwere in your template. Now drag it to the location where you want it.
  6. #6

    Re: Adding markings

    Quote Originally Posted by Serval View Post
    I do not use PSP so, I have no idea why you see nothing happen. But do the following steps and that should work.

    First make sure you selected the layer in the JG template that actually contains the image you want. Otherwise you will select an empty area.

    Then use the selection tool to isolate the image you want, since all layers contain multiple images.
    Then use CTRL-C and in your own template CTRL-V to paste the image in it.
    Then the image will appear somehwere in your template. Now drag it to the location where you want it.
    O.K. I selected the layer on the JG template that contains the image I want. I select the "Selection tool" drag an area and the marching ants are there around the JG image. I hold down the mouse button and drag the image onto the layer of the fusealge in the area I want. The area from where I dragged the JG image from on the JG template layer is now green and empty. But when I let go of the mouse button nothing happens. I tried Ctrl V and image of the JG insignia has its own box. when I try to close this box PSP asks me if I want to save it. Whether I save it or not How do I place the JG insignia onto the fusalge?
  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Arkansas, USA

    Re: Adding markings

    PSP has its own copy and paste commands in the drop-down menus. Copy the marking you want using the drop-down menu. Make a seperate transparent layer just for the markings and position them on that by choosing "paste as new selection" from the drop-down menu. If you want more control, you can choose "paste as a new layer" for each marking.

    The keyboard shortcuts for the various cut and paste commands should appear when you hold the mouse pointer over the corresponding entry in the drop-down menu.
    Last edited by Vigilante; 8th November 2006 at 17:06.
  8. #8

    Re: Adding markings

    Quote Originally Posted by Vigilante View Post
    PSP has its own copy and paste commands in the drop-down menus. Copy the marking you want using the drop-down menu. Make a seperate transparent layer just for the markings and position them on that by choosing "paste as new selection" from the drop-down menu. If you want more control, you can choose "paste as a new layer" for each marking.

    The keyboard shortcuts for the various cut and paste commands should appear when you hold the mouse pointer over the corresponding entry in the drop-down menu.
    Thanks Vigilante that worked. O.K now How do I make the JG image smaller, it's too big for the plane.
  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Arkansas, USA

    Re: Adding markings

    Use the "resize" command - I think it's in the "Edit" drop-down menu. Be sure that "resize all layers" is unchecked to keep the rest of your work from being shrunk too!
  10. #10

    Re: Adding markings

    Thanks Vigilante your help really helped out. I got the hang of it now.

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