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  1. #1

    Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    I'm not sure what happened.
    I was adding more new layers of work to a template .
    When I went to save, the message came up "Could not save.......(the name of my template),becausethe file is already in use or was left open".
    The only way I can shut the template down now is by not saving.
    I could have lost a lot of hours in work.
    Not sure how if if this can be rectified.
    Any help would be very appreciated.
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    I've seen several supposed solutions for this. I'll start with the easiest one, do you have Photoshop set to save thumbnails of your PSDs? If so, disable this setting (its in the saving file preferences) and see if this problem goes away.

    Post back and let us know you results.

  3. #3

    Re: Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    Thanks very much.
    I'll try that.
    Can you point me in the right direction to find this to change.
    I'm still pretty green
  4. #4

    Re: Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    I tried and it's not working.
    An extra bonus is that I now cant delete the template.
    Thanks for the offer of help.
  5. #5

    Re: Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    As a stop gap until you find out what the problem is, use the "save as" and rename the psd as you save. you will have a backup at least of your working template each time which will only be 1 save old. If you wish, after a reboot, you can then delete the older psd.
  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    I think Adlabs is right that it has to do with the thumbnail. I remember I had this problem also in the past.
    Jesters tip indeed worked for me. Simply save the file with Save as and another name.
  7. #7

    Re: Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    Well,.......Guess what?
    I made some minor changes, ie layer combination then "Saved As", changing the title of the Template and, "Voila"!
    Thanks Adlabs,Jester for helping me out of this.I would have lost a lot of work otherwise.
    By the way Jester,it was your F2 to K4 Template.
    This happened once before but I was due for a format and just let it go.
    I guess now I'm going to try to monitor myself more closely, and try to figure out what I've been doing wrong.
    Thanks Again
  8. #8

    Re: Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    Ah good, glad its worked out.
    It still does happen to me, but not that often that I've bothered to do anything about it.

    As for the F2 to K-4 Template, I have a nice "lighting layer" going for it if you are interested?
  9. #9

    Re: Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    Hi Jester,I really would like to have it.
    Could you send it to juanc1402000@yahoo
    Much appreciated.
  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Having a Saving problem with photoshop

    Glad you've got things going again.

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