Well its certainly Avenger shaped!![]()
Looking good so far.
Hey everybody, just thought I'd drop a note here about a project I'm working on. I downloaded the recent GIMP version and am going to write some tutorials. My project for the series will be a profile of the Avenger. I'll drop updates on the project in here ahead of the articles getting uploaded.
No idea what scheme will go on this yet, just an early line drawing I've traced out as of now.
Last edited by adlabs6; 7th February 2007 at 01:32.
Well its certainly Avenger shaped!![]()
Looking good so far.
Thanks HH, it's been a while since I got to work on this project. But finally tonight I feel like I'm making progress on my lineart.
And my first shading test. Gimp didn't include a really suitable set of brushes so I had to make some. I've got a nice set of about 75 brushes now that work pretty well.
I'm still not fully getting along with the pressure sensitive control for the flow or pressure. I'll read on that some more. Anyway this turned out pretty well.
NICE! Talk about complicated shapes! Not the prettiest plane but it sure is interesting!
I don't envy you working outside of the warm loving arms of Photoshop though![]()
very good workI never use gimp, but after see your work on this avenger I think can be very interesting learn and use this software
Ah yes dear Photoshop... I think half of my time working on this project is spent figuring out how to do in Gimp what I know already in PS!
But it's coming along. I did some further shading visuals, and found a few small errors in my path drawings which led to the shading being completely wrong here and there. So I rebuilt all that stuff in my latest session.
Some test colors applied to this, did some more shading. The project is advancing OK so far I think.
However, I'm facing from frustration recently. Firstly, I don't believe there is a polygonal marquee tool in GIMP, which means I've got to make all my selections with paths and then create a selection from the path. It does work, but it seems slower than my usual methods.
Secondly, and more of a problem, I'm getting some artifacts in my large feather brushes that I use for shading. This shows most evidently on a solid background, but as I layer in more it seems to blend in. I'm testing different flow, rate, and opacity settings to try to minimize this.
EDIT: I'll also mention here that this is being painted at 3000x1144 px. And I'll add a 1:1 image that shows the artifacts I'm seeing:
Last edited by adlabs6; 6th March 2007 at 22:53.
Hi Adlabs,
I am glad to see you are experimenting with GIMP, I haven't had much time of late to do any more tutorials, although I have a few in mind. Thankyou for doing some.![]()
Unfortunately there are no polygonal selections as you have noted, (I assume you mean a click and click another point to connect the two type). I have wished for something like that for a long time. If I had the knowhow I'd create a script or tool to do it, but I have no idea how to do that. I have used paths as well for a substitute with decent results.
I applaud you for doing this, I tried Photoshop for a few minutes before tearing my hair out and going back to GIMP, it is very hard to switch from something you are used to.![]()
HEY! I see color! Looks good so far Ad![]()