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  1. #11

    Re: Profiles in GIMP

    Great work labs. And with a "free" art package.
  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: Profiles in GIMP

    Quote Originally Posted by turnipkiller View Post
    Hi Adlabs,

    I am glad to see you are experimenting with GIMP, I haven't had much time of late to do any more tutorials, although I have a few in mind. Thankyou for doing some.

    Unfortunately there are no polygonal selections as you have noted, (I assume you mean a click and click another point to connect the two type). I have wished for something like that for a long time. If I had the knowhow I'd create a script or tool to do it, but I have no idea how to do that. I have used paths as well for a substitute with decent results.

    I applaud you for doing this, I tried Photoshop for a few minutes before tearing my hair out and going back to GIMP, it is very hard to switch from something you are used to.
    Hey Turnipkiller, thanks for the comments.

    Right now the Avenger is on the back burner while I work on the article. Sunday night I wrote about 2200 words on it, and another 1000 words this afternoon. I'm in the final stretch at this point, with any luck I'll have the article ready to post pretty soon.

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