hello...save it in photoshop "...as...... . bmp"
then open it up with DXT
welcome to heaven....btw what sim are u doing stuff in???
and it wasnt a pointless intro
I am newly entering the world of skinning (CFS2 and CFS3). My first three repaints were done with a cheapo photo editor that came with my digital camera. Not high tech, but it worked well enough. Since I figure to get "serious" about doing some repaints, I got around in installing the Photoshop 5.0 LE (Limited Edition) that has been collecting dust since it was given to me. Still low tech, but oh so much more capable than the ArcSoft PhotoImpression I used before. Some years back I did a lot of photo editing and graphic design work, so Photoshop is not totally foreign to me. I am way rusty but picking it back up pretty quickly.
Now, on to my question (after a very long and pointless intro).
I was working with a texture, added a layer to do the rivets and panel lines on (basically tracing over the ones on the stock texture...easy as pie). I needed to get off my butt for a while, so I saved, closed PS, closed DXTbmp, and took my dog out for a session of fetch. Later I opened the file back up, did some more work, and wanted to check how it looked on the plane. I could not get the file back into DXTbmp to resave it as a DXT1 file.
What do I need to do to get a saved file from Photoshop to DXtbmp?
hello...save it in photoshop "...as...... . bmp"
then open it up with DXT
welcome to heaven....btw what sim are u doing stuff in???
and it wasnt a pointless intro
Hi and welcome! And thanks for the intro.
Ronnybengt has hit the nail exactly, use DXTBmp to resave your .bmp files output from Photoshop.
I'll link you to some info on DXTBmp in our wiki section in case you aren't familiar with the program:
Thanks for the info guys. I actually figured it out on my own earlier this evening. It's amazing how much smarter a guy becomes when he is sitting on the toilet LOL.
I'm currently doing work in CFS2, my newly acquired sim. Nothing major, just adding some visual depth to stock textures by adding paint chips, grime, exhaust and gun staining, tweaking the colors a bit. Just getting my feet wet and getting the swing of Photoshop again. My current project is an F4U Corsair texture for a guy whose dad was a pilot with VMF 314 in WW2. I will be laying the VMF 314 Patch (a Bobcat with boxing gloves) on the rudder and tail, refining the paint and details...all based on the stock CFS2 Corsair texture. I just deleted all the work I had done so far on it as I realized that I had shifted the main texture image a bit, so all the work I had done was not going to line up with the panels on the airplane. More practice for me!
I am spending time reading as many tutorials as I can, getting tips and hints here and there and trying them out. My results thus far are not spectacular, but the finished results do look better than the stock textures.
Stock Texture: SDB5 Dauntless
My Reworked Texture:
I'm pretty proud of how it looks, considering that is only my 4th attempt at reskinning.