What Painting Program are you using? I htink you will find pretty much everything you need here, alot of people can help you get your project off the ground.
Just let us know exactly what it is you are looking for.
Greetings!! I am Lord K'hil of the eXtreme Gameing Community and I have come to this site for assistance in skinning aircraft for FS2004.
At present I am starting a VA for XG and no one in the community is able to do the skinning. I once found some programs for this but since have forgotten where I found them and what they are even called.
What I am wishing to do is to take the present textures for the aircraft we have in our collection so far and make new ones with the XG theme and tags to show who we are and what we do.
This is hard at the moment seeing how we need to use the textures which come with the aircraft for the present moment so if there is anyone here willing to assist me in learning how to skin I would be very greatful.
You may contact me either here nin this thread or by e-mail at khil@thexg.net
Lord K'hil
What Painting Program are you using? I htink you will find pretty much everything you need here, alot of people can help you get your project off the ground.
Just let us know exactly what it is you are looking for.
Right now I don't have a program for skinning. I have no idea what I am doing here although I have attemped to edit pics before lol didn't even get that right lol but then again I was using paint and it sucks anyway.
I was told to use photshop I think but I am not sure that will work for skinning. I guess everything I need to know I will need to pick up from here.
There are several options for graphics programs. The very top of the list is Photoshop, which does everything you can imagine, but it's quite expensive. In the more affordable price ranges there are Photoshop Elements (which has fewer features than the full package) and PaintShop Pro, which is quite full featured, but has it's own interface style. And to get started with NO money, there is GIMP... a freeware graphics application that is fully capable compared to Photoshop Elements and PaintShop Pro, but lacks a few of the very top end features of the full Photoshop package.
Myself, I've used Photoshop Elements for years now, and am currently experimenting with the new version of GIMP.
Obtain a painting program, and then read the tutorials for that particular program located here on this forum, remember, all these painting programs use layers so the technique for doing a skin is the same, just a differant painting program, with differant buton commands is all.