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  1. #1

    Unhappy GIMP: Laying the paint

    how do i put paint on to the IL2 voids? my main aim is to create unique ace schemes. ive done some using PSP 7. but how do i put colour on to the voids? i can remove the white etc//
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: GIMP: Laying the paint

    Well if you've got as far as removing white, you are ready to add some paint. Just add a new layer below your void, and paint there within the proper areas.

    This article details the layer system in GIMP. Hope this helps!

  3. #3

    Re: GIMP: Laying the paint

    ok thank you ive read that, and i add a new layer. for the paint obviusly! but what do i use? the flood fill is a bit too extreme! i use the brush but that would take too long and might slosh some machanical areas. do i have to colour it with the brush?
    'The Demon Lord Of The Round Table'
  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Tracy Island

    Re: GIMP: Laying the paint

    In my work I create and save selection areas to paint inside. Take a look here at how you can do this:

    And also, if you don't have my GIMP brush set already, consider getting it. Here's the download link:

    So... once I've got my selection area layed out, and it conforms to the shape of the area you wish to paint (thus preventing overspill) then you can use the flood fill inside that selection to get started, then I use an appropriate softness on a brush to add any camo or other markings over the base color (I usually do this on a new layer above the base color, but still within the same selection area). This lets me adjust each color area separately later on, if needed.
    Last edited by adlabs6; 11th June 2007 at 23:07.

  5. #5

    Re: GIMP: Laying the paint

    Thank you very much sir! you have been great help for me and ill keep working on my ace skins as norm!
    'The Demon Lord Of The Round Table'

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