Hadn't even see this before. Looks pretty interesting!
Has anyone used this yet to paint directly to a 3D model?
It sounds like you can view and paint directly to a model. Just curious how it works for skinning and if it's worth paying for the upgrade.
Hadn't even see this before. Looks pretty interesting!
Ok, today finally I got some time to look into this.
Quite impressive. One of the example sites I saw had modeled a logo in a 3D app, then exported as .3DS format. CS3 extended then opened that .3DS, adjusted, and rendered that model as a layer in the .PSD project.
For FS2004, the models can be built in Max in .3DS format so those could conceivably be imported and painted in CS3E. However, once the model is exported for use in FS2004, it's in a .MDL format. Whether support for something like this can be added through a plugin, I have no idea.
What I found most interesting was the fact that CS3E is able to render these files directly into the PSD. I know that there are several third party renderers out there which plug into Max or other 3D apps. I wonder if Adobe has left the door open to allow such expansion in CS3E?
I have CS3E, and I must say this is very impressive software. I have just played with this feature a bit, and here is what I found...
One may import various 3D files (.3ds, .kmz, others) into a layer in a PSD document. The size of the PSD is not important, as the 3D is vector, but recall that the corresponding texture files are not. Whilst in this layer, the 3D file may be manipulated in a 3D fashion (i.e. rotated, scaled, twisted, so on). The object even retains the original lighting of the model, and you may apply some more rudimentary lighting to it.
One may use a sectional tool while in this mode and dissect the 3D model. This is hugely impressive. One may also convert to wire-frame, and a host of other views.
One may manipulate the texture files to any 3D model in real time. You cannot generate a texture file, however, so these must be supplied with the model, and they MUST be addressed in the mapping to the same directory location as the model (they cannot have a file address somewhere else, such as a removable drive or network, for example). That said, one can actually paint on these textures and watch the 3D view update. This is quite remarkable.
One may at any point rasterise the 3D layer. It then becomes a 2D object for normal work in PS. You must do this to save the PSD.
I don't think I need to elaborate on the astounding possibilities this throws up for making flight scenes or other artwork with aviation subjects over a background. Very, very impressive, this.
I am now going to attempt a profile using this 3D model with its inherent shading from a perpendicular view; we'll see what happens!
Could you show some screenshots of the process?
Correction: I was wrong-- one MAY save the file in PSD format WITH the 3D layer active and still 3D. Blimey, this gets better and better.....
Yes, I'll try to put together a little posting on this once I actually sort it out myself! Having lots of trouble with textures just now, no doubt due to mapping in the 3D file.
So far the consensus over at Target Ware is that it's good for doing complex camouflage patterns and it works similar to some 3D applications. Ebola has the info here-
Targetware :: View topic - Photoshop CS3 Extended?
Well that is very interesting x4btr. Best of luck on this project, what a new way to do profiles!
Oh, on UV mapping... yes a very sticky area. I 'accidentally' be came very good at this some years ago. For me the best secret is in making the most of detail opportunities, even though this will cost extra time.
I was going to do a bit on this topic, but I located a very good tutorial on YT. Despite the fact that I find this chap to be hugely irritating, the information on the use of CS3E with 3D material is very informative.
That really presents everything I have sussed out so far.
Last edited by Serval; 9th November 2007 at 20:28. Reason: Video into message
ThanksYes, he's annoying with all his "GOSH DANG IT'S PRETTY DANG AWESOME!" stuff!
That does answer a lot of questions![]()