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  1. #1

    Spitfire Mk VIII problem

    Hi ya all

    Im trying to replicate Bobby Gibbes Spitfire Mk VIII, similar to Troy Whites painting.

    Ive got the paint,white edges,spinner all down, but having dramas with the shark mouth.

    I'm using a cut out from a decal i found on the net & can get it to the position i want on the skin but when ever i go to look at it in game, the section in the middle (its in line with the intake) for some reason gets pushed up and out of line with the rest of the mouth.

    Any iddeas on how to fix?
  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Spitfire Mk VIII problem

    You can select the area of the sharkmouth that is distorted and then use (in Photoshop at least) Transform and use Scale, Distort and Skew to get it as good as possible.
    It can be a hard job and takes a lot of trial and error.
  3. #3

    Re: Spitfire Mk VIII problem

    Painting shark mouths on any pf the aircraft in IL2 is like pulling teeth in real life.
    Get one of your sides right first, then match the underside to it. You will have to move it from side to side and up and down plenty before you get it spot on. In some cases you might even have to redraw areas to make them match.
    Good luck.

  4. #4

    Re: Spitfire Mk VIII problem

    Thanks for the help all, finally got it sorted after a few hours last night

    Looks very much like Jesters bottom photo.

    I had to basically cut the middle section of the mouth (equal to width of intake), i had to do in two parts. Cut out the bottom section and move it lower to intake, then cut out top section and move lower to intake but not as much.

    Couldnt quite get the teeth looking sharp as jesters pic but hey for my first skin i was pretty chuffed. Unfortunately i can post pics from work may do when i get home next week.
  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    de Gooische matras

    Re: Spitfire Mk VIII problem

    I would like to see your skin
    Attached Images Attached Images  
  6. #6

    Re: Spitfire Mk VIII problem

    Nice pic Platypus.

    Trying to put text just in front of cockpit ( on the corner of cowling just in front of cockpit) but seems like there is a invisible line there, notice that the top section gets cut off for some reason but i still managed to put paint & camo there any ideas?

    How do you take the 'shine' off of skins ?, is this a mixture of texture & something else, as they look real shiny in game

    thanks. sorry for noobish questions.

    When i get back home will post a pic, 3 days away
    Last edited by Barrakooda; 18th November 2007 at 03:24.
  7. #7

    Re: Spitfire Mk VIII problem

    sorry for double post but does anyone know what the victory symbols are in B & W here

    Bobby Gibbes Australian WWII Flying Ace

    I can see the German crosses but not sure about the others.

  8. #8

    Re: Spitfire Mk VIII problem

    I'd like to see your skin m8,hope fly with you some day
  9. #9
  10. #10

    Re: Spitfire Mk VIII problem

    Nice skin m8,well cya in the skys

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