Attachments going weird let me try that again...
hi clave,
nice work, but please dump that black outline, also blend your relection on the fin, at the moment it looks like you have a rounded edge, but flat for the rest of it, study the plan view and look at the curve of the fin/rudder then lighten to the curve.
JMSmith (back by popular demand)
Have you ever built the Tamiya D520 kit? Nice kit of a nice plane. Built a few of them and somewhere found some Luftwaffe schemes (training with yellow bellies) and a nice post-war one with German sprayed blobs and French roundels. Think you have captured the shape of the plane very well but agree that the planes does not need an outline.
Wow, Very nice work
The Bulgarian one is very much like the post-war French one painted up on the Tamiya kit.
Again good lookin' m8!
Rick Jansen
The Netherlands